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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Finally someone understands what I really mean 🙏🏻😊 its all about catching the moments.
  2. The reaction for Hung Up is insaneee ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  3. The Immaculate Collection animation is the best so far
  4. In live television broadcasts, the crew is there at every rehearsal and shoots. The director determines which scene is important in advance rehearsals. This isn't my first time watching a live concert on TV of course
  5. I've re watched the concert. Madonna was great BUT I don't know what you guys think about the general visual direction of the show. Who directed the stream? Jonas? I think the camera angles and the general presentation was poor. They missed the highlights of the show so many times.
  6. I've re watched the concert. Madonna was great BUT I don't know what you guys think about the general visual direction of the show. Who directed the stream? Jonas? I think the camera angles and the general presentation was poor. They missed the highlights of the show so many times.
  7. Her wig is lookin soooooo good ❤️ btw translation is making me sick
  8. Is there any globo live streaming link without log in or subscribe?
  9. Living For Love video Oh Father video or You’ll See video
  10. On may 4th someone please give us live streaming broadcast links
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