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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by Headless.Headphones

  1. were the drummers on the ceiling necessary on GMAYL?

  2. Hope everything's fixed now!

  3. Any chance to get Gimmie Love's instrumental by Carly?

  4. Lourdes is such a Godess

  5. Why does everyone think you're gay when you're fan of Madonna and Gaga??? LOL, don't know whether to laugh or cty

  6. The piano break during Holiday is LIFE itself.

  7. Why does everyone think you're gay when you're fan of Madonna and Gaga??? LOL, don't know whether to laugh or cty

  8. Why does everyone think you're gay when you're fan of Madonna and Gaga??? LOL, don't know whether to laugh or cty

  9. The piano break during Holiday is LIFE itself.

  10. Why does everyone think you're gay when you're fan of Madonna and Gaga??? LOL, don't know whether to laugh or cty

  11. Really needs new leak from Madonna or Kylie

  12. Only has 10 days til Ghostbusters, so excited I want to pee

  13. I just bought my True Blue 30th Anniversary tshirt!

  14. I just bought my True Blue 30th Anniversary tshirt!

  15. Would love it for his birthday that the entire rain tapes would leak today but ok ok a new demo of any kind.

  16. Would love it for his birthday that the entire rain tapes would leak today but ok ok a new demo of any kind.

  17. What It Feels Like For A Girl is so relevant, not sure why it isnt performed more often

  18. So I just notised this on MEGA. Will they soon be adding expiry dates to links if you don't have premium? http://s31.postimg.org/tdyy80b6z/Capture.png

  19. Has 4 days til his b-day but 24 until Ghostbusters dangnabit

  20. I love tapatalk, getting all my forum notifs right away on mobile i love it, i didnt know it worked like this

  21. Needs a new onslaught of M demos or just one in his life, sad face!

  22. guess who up in this bitch

  23. Did you do your homework and sent your votes for the new Countdown? Baby we will give you more, work!

  24. Impatiently waiting for Madonna to do an unplugged album/tour.

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