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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by milotjuh

  1. Never in a million years did I think I'd see a post about De Toppers on Infinity; thank god, it's the Og3ne girls
  2. The IC and ROL animated covers looked very nice. These new ones don't look great to me; looks like the artwork used for the animations wasn't the best quality, hence perhaps the weird small frame.
  3. Ah yes, that’s true (or at least bought a Polaroid)! They also used audience footage of Detox from Rebel Heart in the Madame X tour film as well. I remember talking to Detox around Rebel Heart Tour, right after Courtney Act had been unapologetic bitch, and she was waiting for her moment ;) (On insta it looks like she did a Girlie Show number at the club prior to going to the show)
  4. That’s so nice. Detox is a huge Madonna stan (wouldn’t be surprised if she was lurking on here); happy she got this moment with M
  5. Vocals aside, I like that TAB's been included, but it feel it would work better in place of/around Bad Girl. However, we definitely don't want her to cut that. Like others have said, You'll See or I'll Remember could work well, too, but I doubt she remembers those exist. Sonically, I think Power of Goodbye would great in that slot also, but prob not the message she wants to end on. Devil Wouldn't Recognize You would also be cool in order to have a little Hard Candy representation. But then no-one would have a clue what the song is
  6. If she wears her grilllzz, she'll sound like daffy duck on steroids attempting to sing that [i'd be here for that tho]
  7. Completely forgot about this one; it's really lovely! Thanks for posting I don't think this version would've worked on S&S. That show is such an assault on the senses, and the rock version fits that quite well. This versions feels much more Rebel Heart Tour, I think.
  8. Donna and all her self-penned songs are still available for me on Apple Music? Or is she back? Ironically, Madonna is listed as the first "similar artist" lol cEnSoRsHip!1!! Donna Queen is here to disturb the peace!
  9. I hear she's been tipped to headline at Glastonbury! Whomp whomp, M.
  10. Donna Queen is no stranger to deception. She has lied and been lied to.
  11. She reminds of Jenny McCarthy (with a dash of Denise Richards). Anyway, colored vinyl release when?
  12. Love that Donna Queen, especially her early work. A true visionary, Madonna could learn a thing or two from her.
  13. Haha, this is quite funny Can anyone make out what she says around 00:40?
  14. So are we expecting any changes for tonight's Boston show? Jimmy Jimmy as an opener, Bad Girl replaced with Shobeedoo, Mark Wahlberg for the Vogue ball, to name a few of there more obvious suggestions.
  15. This seems equal parts a lovely and absolutely terrible idea
  16. Poor Santa. It's already such a stressful time for him, and then to be sexually assaulted.. At least he's used to staying up so late.
  17. Us Europeans need to adjust to the time difference of the tour now, some of those poor people probably only just got home
  18. One moment one is enjoying what appears to be a pleasant studio recording of Into the Groove followed by then aggressively being forced to "LiVe OuT mY fAnTaSy WiTh YoU!!111!.. something, something DoUbLe DuTcH jUmP rOpE!!!"
  19. If last night was professionally recorded, then let's assume (read: hope) tonight will be as well since it's the same venue. *nervous laughter*
  20. I'd prefer Rain to remain in place as well. I do wish she'd add the bridge and a light cue for it; that would really take it over the top. If she were to replace it with Frozen, I hope it's that original idea we heard about. Wasn't she supposed to wear some big dress/cape while going up on a platform or sth? (altho even in that scenario, I'd rather keep Rain re: "stand out here on the mountain top..")
  21. She looks great. Is she wearing her grills? I can't tell from the quality. She sounds ...like she just had some dental work
  22. Guess she wanted to do something really special for the last European show
  23. Interesting to read; thank you! I do think we should be careful when shifting blame to fans. Most people likely arrived late because Madonna has made it very clear she will, too--every night. You can't really blame people for not wanting to sit around endlessly prior to a show on a weekday . I suppose if the act then does want to start earlier/on time; this is a consequence. I do understand not wanting to start the show until most people are seated; then again, there are always people coming and going during concerts. For what it's worth, at the shows in Amsterdam, I was able to speak to one of the security officers on the floor for quite a while (because... 10.30 start). She told me security personnel is able to select what acts they want to work security for. She also told me that when selecting Madonna (or Ms Madonna, as she kept saying), they (and most other venue staff) were informed "well in advance, [they] would need to be available until at least 1 AM." I suppose this can work differently from country to country, but at the same time, it does signal these late starts seem to be an elected choice. I mean, that's fine, the organizer tried very hard to inform concertgoers beforehand, and it seems staff were accounting for it as well (in Amsterdam). Be that as it may, despite the late start, the vibe in Amsterdam was great, and it didn't feel that long/late because I think everyone was expecting it
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