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  1. Two pics I took of yesterday‘s show from my spot at the catwalk
  2. Took this image at tonight's show Had an amazing experience!!
  3. Regarding pit tickets, does someone know whether it‘s possible to swap the pits, i.e. enter Pit 2 instead of 1? How tigthly is that controlled, given that it‘s all standing? I‘ve got a VIP ticket, if that helps.
  4. Yes I would second that! If someone has a code for tomorrow they‘re not going to use, please let us know!
  5. I don't think this will be her final tour, you can see this year she still loves performing! I believe she will be on stage for many more years and tour cities as well, just maybe not that often.
  6. She looks so stunning! Also I love how she seems to have so much fun at the gala, it's great to see her happy Btw I'm new here, just registered, hope this will be a great place to discuss Madonna with other fans
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