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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. I don't care who Prince nor Madonna is. I don't care if they're legendary or sacred. Or part of the "trinity of pop"


    The only thing I care about is that A HUMAN BEING put their heart and soul to tribute another human being, A FRIEND. So if we feel compelled to spew hateful opinions we need to re-evaluate our values because it is plain disrespectful.


    It's not the decent thing to do.


    This isn't the Superbowl, nor one of her shows. This is a tribute from a friend to a friend.


    Grow the fuck up.


    Cool. I like it when music sounds good when it lands on my ears.


    That's important for me too.

  2. This has nothing to do with skin colour.


    Her big ego always needs to bring it back to something external - age, gender, race.


    Bollocks. Sometimes the hatred is because the quality isn't there or on the principle of the matter.


    Madonna's musicality and artistry DOES pale in comparison to Prince.


    She would have been more effective to write a eulogy, as she is a fabulous and effective speech writer and public speaker.


    Her voice was so strained during this performance.


    The only problem I have with her age is what it's done to her singing voice. EW.


    I'm still trying to unhear her singing the sacred Purple Rain.

  3. I had an amazing time last night at her second Melbourne show!


    It was my first time seeing her in concert mode (saw her three times in NYC in 2005).


    She seemed tired and lacked energy in her routines but who can blame her?


    Her vocals weren't spectacular or anything but none of that mattered.


    It was surreal and emotional to see her in her element on stage.

  4. I get that she's happy but I feel like people are acting like she's never happy on tours when there are two clear tours where she was elated:


    Posted Image





    Posted Image


    She has had and will have good shows and bad shows. I don't think there are tours where she is overall happier or sadder. I believe she either had a good day or bad day for whatever external reason. And also she has mentioned she loves the very beginning and the very end of her tours, so... And you can fake a smile in show business :)

  5. I think this time Madonna wants only enjoy the show and the crowd

    this is her "kylie showgirl tour"...she's more relaxed..more smiles

    live nation did not cut her budget....I mean..see the stage and the production..it's huge

    it's like a DWT part 2 + Girlie Show for me

    there's nothing new in this show, it's true

    but there was nothing new in the mdna tour (except the majorette :P)

    she has 30+ years career....it's hard to find something new when you did everything XD


    I think there was a lot that was novel and new in MDNA, which I won't go into. It's in my Top 3 for sure.

  6. Maybe she had to tighten the purse strings after using up most of her Live Nation payment on other tours?


    There's a certain Madonna quality that seems to be lacking, and the slightly lacklustre performances by her are evident to me. There are also some wierd setlist transitions. For instance - La Vie En Rose into Unapologetic Bitch...


    I think you can be grateful and still critique. I think we each won't truly know how we feel about the tour until we see it in person/or DVD, not to mention with some time and hindsight which the past tours have had the privelage of.

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