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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. 15 hours ago, me1981 said:

    To play devil's advocate, it is interviews like this that make people hold Madonna up to a higher standard.

    Bingo! I really thought she'd imbue Rebel Heart with the spirit of this project/interview...

    M herself should watch this to remember her essence and the uniqueness she keeps diluting, not us!

  2. 13 hours ago, steady75 said:


    1. Nobody Knows Me
    2. Nothing Fails
    3. Mother & Father
    4. Intervention

    CONFESSIONS - Perfect singles run


    1. 4 Minutes
    2. Give It 2 Me
    3. Miles Away
    4. Beat Goes On

    WE - Masterpiece stand alone single (included on deluxe MDNA)

    SUPERBOWL - GMAYL stand alone single (Included on deluxe MDNA)


    1. LoveSpent / Gang Bang (double A with a Tarantino video that spanned both songs)
    2. I'm A Sinner
    3. Some Girls

    REBEL released March

    1. Iconic (DEC 14)
    2. Rebel Heart (FEB 15 with album) 
    3. Devil Pray (MAY 15)

    HEART released Sept

    1. Bitch I'm Madonna (AUG 15)
    2. Body Shop (OCT 15)
    3. Ghosttown (DEC 15)  XMAS market with "Holy" Water remixes being issued to clubs)

    Nice, except that I'd consider Bitch I'm Madonna more of a REBEL single, and I'd release just two singles from each part of the album because quality over quantity (oh, and budget constraints!).

  3. 19 minutes ago, discohub said:

    OK. Wow. He gave her advice. SO BAD GUY O, BOO BOO.

    That's what partners do.

    If she didn't want to do any of those things, she wouldn't have done them. He is not forcing anything on her. Stop blaming him for her own choices.

    I blame both lol...

    He had/has a lot of influence over her decision-making and you'd be naive to think otherwise.

  4. On 1/8/2019 at 6:42 PM, discohub said:


    How many times will we have to repeat this ?

    Oh yes, he definitely did/does:

    Proof 1: Hating the 'icy strings' and general feedback during the ROL sessions
    Proof 2: Personally inviting Justin Timberlake to work with Madonna during the HC sessions
    Proof 3: Advising Madonna against naming an album Black Madonna

    And probably many other instances that we will never know about.

  5. On 1/1/2019 at 11:37 AM, drivebitch said:

    She’s grey like all people her age, not to mention her siblings. You have to touch up grey roots more often than when you’re dyed blonde. Blonde hides grey best. 

    While this may be true, particularly during the RH Tour she had her hairstylist dye just her roots dark brown/black to give the impression that her natural regrowth wasn't grey...

  6. On 10/25/2018 at 6:45 AM, blondebombshell said:

    I know i've wrote on this topic before. The way i look at it. Is if she has had something done. IMO she's not hurting anyone if it makes her feel better. Remember i'm not saying she has had something done. But if she has and she likes how she looks then i think we should all respect her wishes. If it starts looking bad then i'm sure lourdes would say something but IMO she looks gorgeous for 60. And showing age is just a number. 


    I respect her wishes :)

    I am just very surprised at how ignorant or in denial some fans are to it.

  7. On 10/10/2018 at 11:09 PM, fmportela said:

    I see mostly fillers and maybe some lifting, but the structure of her face is the same imho. Nothing compared to what MJ or even Janet and Gaga have done.

    Btw, I'm not judging her.

    Surgery-wise, she had a face lift in 2005, followed by cheek implants, a neck-lift and blepharoplasty.

    It takes a trained eye and a bit of common sense to recognize this.

  8. On 10/3/2018 at 2:06 AM, Frank said:

    I JUST see classic M face here:


    And there's people saying she has changed her face... ¬¬

    Madonna has absolutely, without a doubt, altered her face through multiple plastic surgeries.

    Please tell me that you realise this and can see past angles, make-up and computer imaging?


  9. 42 minutes ago, Debrah said:

    the speech was bullshit but what bothers me most is the lying. She's told this story many times (being auditioned by the 2 french producers) and every time she said that she hadn't prepared a song and came up with a rendition of JINGLE BELLS ..! Oh and now it's suddenly an Aretha song she sang ? how interesting. Wait until another legend passes and we'll get a whole new version of that story. What bullshit that was.

    Leos lie.

  10. On 3/4/2018 at 2:26 PM, Liam said:

    Who does a skin line advert showing their 'pores' and not wearing make-up?  No one does that.  Do you actually believe those who do skin line/make-up commercials without make-up on? :04:

    It’s pretty irksome how defensive and deluded some Madonna fans are.

    There’s a way to achieve a natural look even with heavy makeup; see Cate Blanchet for SK-II.

  11. On 3/3/2018 at 11:37 AM, Liam said:

    I don't get the hate?  I mean; what do you expect from a skin line commercial?  She's gonna have to look fabulous to sell it.  She does, even though most of us know some serious airbrushing has gone on.  In fact, the video this image comes from is better than some of her more recent music videos.  She looked bad ass in the video.

    I didn't say she doesn't look great, but from a marketing perspective, does a face full of heavy makeup convey skin care to you? It's misguided, imo. I think in another campaign image she was even wearing lingerie. Show us those pores and that amazing skin shining through, not heavy foundation and dark eyes and lips.

  12. On 2/22/2018 at 5:10 AM, Frank said:

    This comes from her official web's background, different cropping than the Instagram one:


    This campaign sucks. That image screams 'makeup', not 'skin care'.

  13. On 2/27/2018 at 5:57 PM, discohub said:

    Madonna is a highly literate person who likes to play dumb, she's not Taylor fucking Swift.

    Her use of social media is at the same time very first degree and also subversive. Subtlety is sadly not something everyone understands.

    Hey stranger, please don't talk down to me.

    How about you lot take your defensiveness down a notch?

    It's an opinion of mine that Madonna's (intentional or unintentional) social media use does her no favours, and many people share that opinion.

    It may differ from yours but it remains one that we are entitled to have.

    Accept it or try to deny it, but please spare me the condescending tone.

  14. 5 hours ago, Fighter said:


    I'm not sure where people are getting this. :confused:



    Anyways Im not sure what she's referring to with the whole standing up for herself making her a bitch instagram, but im glad shes standing up for her creative process. Is it messy to do it with public comments like this? MAYBE but she's a free woman lmao. Hopefully it will yield positive results and not drama.

    I wish she would wipe all of her social media accounts and start again.

    Her surprisingly bad grammar, emoji overuse and LQ images are bad for her brand.

    Let's hope Ray of Light's 20th anniversary has reignited her true artistic spirit.

    It's been hard for me to love her post-2008 output to the same degree.

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