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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Starchild

  1. Thanks for sharing. I prefer this one, personally: 1. Nothing Really Matters (Kruder & Dorfmeister Mix) 2. Frozen (Stereo MC's Mix) 3. The Power of Good-Bye (Fabien's Good God Edit) 4. Ray of Light (Sasha’s Ultra Violet Mix) 5. Shanti/Ashtangi 6. Nothing Really Matters (Talvin Singh's Vikram Remix) 7. Has To Be 8. Cuidado Mi Corazon (William Orbit Edit) 9. The Power of Good-Bye (Demo) 10. Frozen (Meltdown Mix - Long Version) 11. Candy Perfume Girl (Extended Instrumental) 12. Drowned World/Substitute For Love (BT & Sasha's Bucklodge Ashram Remix) 13. Sky Fits Heaven (Sasha Remix Edit) 14. Skin (The Collaboration Remix) 15. Ray of Light (William Orbit Liquid Mix)
  2. To correct an earlier poster, the audiobook is not narrated by the author. I've been listening to it most nights as I drift off to sleep, and for the most part, there's little in there that I didn't already know. https://www.audible.com.au/pd/Madonna-Audiobook/B0BXQ5FGQQ
  3. Come back to this thread after you've actually read the book, perhaps? Sorry but until then, your take is quite meaningless.
  4. First of all, could the Xtina stans please STFU with their insidious jealousy towards P!nk because of Xtina's dwindling career? Thanks for highlighting this supportive quote by P!nk about M. The big P!nk fans in the house know that she's been praising M since the start of her career though. I've been a big P!nk fan since the first album (though the last few haven't been my faves, admittedly), and her mind and personality are a big part of the appeal. She often has refreshingly unique perspectives that the average pop star is too simple or inarticulate to express, quite honestly. By the way, if you venture into the P!nk thread, you'll see a bunch of M references there that I posted a while ago.
  5. This thread could easily turn into a slippery slope!
  6. Don't underestimate my ability to pull. Also, I'm sorry for your loss.
  7. So what? Your dad licked the sweat off my balls just last night.
  8. It's worth noting that the audio edition of the book is edited down. Here is a free link to the full version of the book, for those interested: https://vk.com/doc6139609_234023030?hash=vUaU2z4AOzOveCjrw4i0Lp6ELD0X65hLIY1XNRDhYnP
  9. It's also about his own life, but you do not know what you do not know. And of course it hurt her, partly because it was out of her control. Have you ever read gossip about her elsewhere? Thought so.
  10. Same. I'm somewhat of a fanatic, but not a deluded tragic. If she had less unattractive traits and made better music for the past decade or so, I might still be the stan that I used to be.
  11. Has not read the book to fully consider the other side's perspective, yet is still very comfortable passing judgement. Nice one.
  12. Guy's response means nothing to Chris or Madonna. Replace 'chap' with 'f****t' and that would probably be his truer feeling.
  13. Was it cool that he wrote a book about his sister? No. Did she deserve a bit of humbling after years of mistreatment? Probably. She often abused their working relationship, and knew she could get away with it by allowing him to bask in her spotlight as the supplement. There's a reason why Silvio chose to support Christopher regarding the book's release, despite Madonna's pleas to the both of them. I enjoyed the book for all of the insights that only her closest brother could share, and didn't even think it was that scathing.
  14. I'll take the sexy red stage outfit anyday. Maximalism rarely works on her.
  15. Sadly, I doubt that this incredible tour will be commemorated in any way beyond a mere social media post, if that.
  16. He didn't specify performance. He just added "chasing arena tours" to the list (which is a part of the quote that I don't get). "And, when you're against the flow, it doesn't look right, it doesn't feel right. The energy around the Madonna thing–it feels weird, right?" said Ru, calling out Madonna for "chasing arena tours and grills in your teeth." He added, "I'm not interested in appealing to eleven-to-twenty-five-year-olds... I can, on a bigger level, as a mother... It's a different relationship–I'm not trying to be them." Yes, to most of us on this forum, the energy has felt weird for a while now, and the grills are distracting and lame as hell. It boils down to the old 'ageing tastefully' VS 'let people devolve into whatever vision they have for themselves' argument. But of course, Madonna does it all out of pure altruism for future generations of woman, not merely for her own vanity... I like that stubborn rebel in her, but she's been rebelling herself into a distorted ageist corner for some time now.
  17. I'm not even a RuPaul fan but this is clearly a spiteful statement just because you're bruised on behalf of your queen.
  18. Kylie, I know you're riding a wave right now but please take time to rest too.
  19. https://assets.vogue.com/photos/65ef0ecaf14d07ad851a70be/master/240310_JR_Oscars_Madonna.jpg So, was there a theme, because I don't see any other nods to one beyond this photo?
  20. Can we be real here? His critique about Madonna relates to how she behaves even beyond the stage. Drag is inherently an exaggeration and a transparent artifice that everyone is in on. Ru constantly shows up as his non-drag self, so the delineation is very clear. Equating the two is a reach only a defensive Madonna stan would make.
  21. A woman can be assertive without being a low-vibrational cunt to people. Exhibit A: Kylie Minogue. Let's stop celebrating a version of herself that even she now deplores. *Insert Nothing Really Matters lyrics here*
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