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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by steady75

  1. Material Girl? Some people love it, some people hate it. I think it’s ok.
  2. I can only really see a Katy feature working on something from the first two records. California Girls has a Holiday vibe to it. Otherwise it’s Like A Virgin or Material Girl. It’s gotta be campy.
  3. I'd actually rather she cracked on with 1989 It's the only vinyl of hers I really want tbh
  4. hmmm weren't you the cig obsessed with the remix of Future on tour?
  5. What? Madonna has one of the best if not the best remix catalogue of all time. Her remixes throughout the ages have been insanely good. Backed up by the 50 number ones title. And the majority of her tour mixes are based on her favourite remix.
  6. I wonder how many other songs she recorded from MDNA? It's one of the only eras we literally have no other info on regarding unused songs and sadly one of those which would probably benefit from some track list switches the most.
  7. I think that's one of my biggest problems with the record. Prior to her Special editions it felt like there was a lot of consideration to the flow of the her albums. Like it was presented as a body of work with a story arc. That stopped at MDNA and has kind of carried on through the last two albums too somewhat. I also don't like the cover personally. I wish it leaned more into the Femme Fatale Tarantino look of the opening sequence of the tour and the artwork felt more like an arthouse B movie. I also think my other main irk with the album was that the singles say absolutely nothing about her state of mind at the time. I always thought Masterpiece should have been a stand alone single is has no place on that record. The same with GMAYL. A cute superbowl song like Beautiful Stranger and American Pie. 1.Love Spent / Gang Bang double A side as first single with that Tarantino double feature video 2. Girl Gone Wild ( Justin Cognito mix) 3. I'm A Sinner 4. Falling Free That's a post divorce story arc. Some Girls and I'm Addicted mixes sent to clubs a la Nobody Knows Me / Easy Ride / Let It Will Be / I Love New York Shove the pre era single Masterpiece & GMAYL on the deluxe edition I'm Addicted Gang Bang Girl Gone Wild Some Girls I Don't Give A I'm A Sinner Love Spent Turn Up The Radio I Fucked Up Best Friend Falling Free Deluxe Tracks Masterpiece Give Me All Your Luvin Superstar Bday Song Beautiful Killer ( great but it really doesn't suit the album) Superbowl Medley
  8. Aww thanks that was me. Had to do somet to improve it tbh https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/EAG1pSkfHw73VNxDA
  9. It's kinda odd that we've not actually had a peep from Warner about it and it's all just been Madonna and Soon. You think maybe if she already dropped the bomb they might say something about it or we'd have heard something from another channel maybe? Industry folk? Where my people at? Where my people at?
  10. I mean… that was nothing specifically directed at you at all. But yeah… there’s been odd discourse and posters on the edge in numerous threads over various subject matters.
  11. Is it me or has someone dialed up the fuckin crazy in here of late?I don't remember this forum being like this. Other Madonna forums became unbearable but this one has always seemed pretty chill / just the right level of hysteria. Who fuckin with the Kool aid huh?
  12. There’s a difference between a bit of enhancement and irradiating any signs of ageing from your face. Kylie has hit the balance perfectly and she said herself she backed away from all that after seeing pics of herself if I remember correctly. X-Aphrodite was probably peak work for her but the needles were out from spinning around.
  13. They’re both ace. but we are specifically talking about MDNA era and the absence of Madonnna for four years when the music industry was changing massively. Gags just filled that void. Madonna ended her entire career contract with Warner and delivered a massively sub par greatest hits. This after Give It 2 Me and Celebration video cheapness. While Gaga was delivering titans like Bad Romance, Alejandro, Telephone and the four slick vids prior to that. The Miles Away release fiasco, the poor revolver mastering. The hailing of a return to form album with master creator William Orbit and what did we get to compete with Gags ever increasing Rosta of bopps. GMAYL / Girl Gone Wild and Turd On The Radio. At a time where she should have been begging for the GP to come to her shows she delivers the most horrid Spikey un GP friendly set list ever for MDNA. Madge was all over the place and it smacked of complacency. She put all her eggs in a W.E. shaped basket and when that didn’t change her course she thought shit I’d better make the tour a visual feast. Yes the tour was hard graft and visually stunning but it was cold and Uninviting. I am a die hard Madonna fan. DIE HARD!! But I tuned into Gags out of curiosity and went to two of her concerts. If you think they weren’t anything less than insanely brilliant and thrilling with off the charts energy in the flesh then I don’t know what to tell you. Similarly Sticky & Sweet and MDNA left me cold. That’s just personal taste. The expectation to see what Madge did with MDNA was huge and at a time when she really really needed to deliver she blew it. And somewhere in the background Bey was finally getting her ducks in a row to eviscerate them both in terms of visuals, music and omni presence for the next six years. The energy she put into Rebel Heart more than made up for MDNA and had this album come out instead of MDNA we’d be having a different conversation.
  14. So glad Min made the decision to lay off the facial surgery and botox. It looks very crude here. She’s so beautiful she don’t need it. I love age in someone’s face. I think it’s beautiful.
  15. I mean either side can paint it how they want but my point was the damage was done and Gaga was the one to inflict it unlike any female pop star before. People were checking for her far more than Madonna then and since tbh. And that’s fine.
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