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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by steady75

  1. It's new that's all. If you count the sales to streaming equivalent of all her singles prior to 2010 she'd be off the charts.
  2. The remix he made was NOT something that I would particularly play for myself, it was an "Old Maiden" type of remix, and he said that that remix was meant to be made by a talented remixer so if that's the case he should have left those stems on the rack because he was UN-qualified to remix that track.
  3. Hard Candy feels like the most cynically commercial album of her career. You can hear the a&r wheels creaking with every beat.
  4. I mean. It’s a remix and it goes off. What’s not to love teebs
  5. Not on the Sabbath. Lord a mercy. The Pet Shop Boys are out of this world incredible. The smarts of their lyrics, their humour and skills of observation. The irony in their work. Their incredible work for other artists. Their love of dance music. Thier way around a melody. The references, cadence and efficiency in astute lyrics. One word, a pause, an infection can set a mood or a feeling. The camp, the nostalgia, the wistfulness, the reads, the mindfulness, the wry politics of life, the working class, the media, the rich and the aristocracy. They are second to none in that sense. The narrators of the story of life. I don't trust anyone who doesn't love the Pet Shop Boys. It's a literal hate crime that we got Hard Candy ( for me her absolute worst placid autopilot record) instead of something with these two. I think it would have topped Confessions coming off the back of it. It's one of the worst things that never happened to her career. Get ha @New_Boyand let me know when the body is buried sis.
  6. Ugh I know . Would have been incredible
  7. Who’s That Girl is literally the demo for Domino Dancing. Madonna had her eye keen on PSB in 86 - 90 and they on her. Go listen. Rescue Me is Madonna doing Pet Shop Boys and returning the favour.
  8. Disco is so varied. Most of Confessions was actually dance music , pop music and french house music tbh with maybe 1/3rd of the songs influenced by Disco but the gays see a mirrorball and were off. Just Like most of Music wasn't country. The optics for the singles don't stretch right across the work. 1.Sorry American Disco 2.3.4. Hung Up / Future Lovers / Forbidden Love / How High were Euro disco. Get Together is pure house no disco there. Let It Will Be - Dance track I Love New York - Dance track Jump - Pop dance with slight post disco energy Push - Not disco Like It Or Not - Not Disco Isaac - Not Disco I'd probably like her to visit a sound or era a bit more authentically for a bit TBH rather than always having a new twist. Philly soul, Funk, Band / Orchestra / Choir / Backing singer Disco. I'd love her to work with Mark Ronson cause I think he could really bring something out of her like some of her better collaborators. More post disco UK 80's synth pop, Dev Hynes, James Murphy LCD Sound system. James Ford as always. Even veering into some of the 80's sounds and genres she didn't venture into in the period itself. Id be cool with her twist on those genres. Power pop, 80's glossy shimmer soul, ska, Sophistipop, acid house. That decade was probably the most diverse in terms of sound than any other. I think based in this amazing decade of sounds but way from the stuff she did herself released around the biopic would be a low key genius move and it would also be an absolute scream to get Max Martin finally involved with an album of these sounds. I think his take on the decade before he really started producing would be a great challenge for hi, I'd like to see Madonna through his lens.
  9. I question a lot of what she says i interviews though. I think it's either because she doesn't want to go down that deep a habit hole with the interviewer cause she finds it will take away from subjects she wants to angle in on during the brief press junkets or she likes the audience to have the perspective of her solely focusing on the now and the immediate. She's likely tired of questions about Orbit and Price and the creative process of yesteryear. Though I could see her spending time now there is a purposeful looking back. Artists save stuff for auto blogs and re-releases etc. We know she keeps detailed journals and no doubt stuff is all recorded daily throughout the years.
  10. God I’d love that. Behind the music style doc and interview. Not the fluff we usually get. Nile sat with the stems at a desk showing us stuff and recalling memories. A dream.
  11. Fair play to him. Madonna’s debut was hailed at aerobics music and she was written off. Look what she became. Keep going Rocco. I love that her kids are all showing talents in different fields. Lola’s modelling is a bit vapid but she’s a talented actress no? I’d like to see her take that route but it’s her life. I’m most excited to see what Mercy and David do. I don’t know why I have such an affection for Mercy but my heart melts when I see her on camera. She’s seems like she has such a beautiful soul. David is obviously the air to the pop throne though. It really feels like he’s the one who’s gonna go down the pop star route. The twins are too young to say but they’re not shy for sure x What an amazing brood she has. Hopefully all future icons in their field and all sharing the the same mother. Amazing. You just know she’s gonna be prouder of all their achievements than any of her own.
  12. Yes I’m very much here for the Taylor Swift approach of releasing an old album track as a single in a new version whether that’s re recorded or remixed or what. Gives another chance to some of those amazing missed singles on her albums. I’d also like to see missed videos rectified in some official capacity. Someone somewhere is working on a face app style version of Angel using AI and the black sand Herb Ritts Hawaii shoot as we speak fingers crossed. Madonnatars. The re releases (especially the 80’s) ones need to be fun and recapture that early Madonna energy. The 90’s stuff can be strong, brutal and personal and save the messagey stuff for the 00’s. I’m also positive there is stuff that we just don’t know about at all. Abandoned projects and stuff that we might see as little EP’s. This is the most exciting stuff for me personally. I just want it to be super fun and a celebration rather than “I’m a warrior I’ve stuck around”. Like… we know that’s why there’s a 40th anniversary edition of your album coming out mom.
  13. "Young girls with eyes like potatoes It all seems like yesterday not far away"
  14. Yeah these will be ideas meetings with both parties then the Warner people will go away to work stuff up then she’ll be presented designs and it’s yay or nay. I really don’t think there’ll be newly made content now.
  15. I wonder if Madonna quoting the end of Keep It Together Blond Ambition tour version this month is anything to do with it's upcoming release anniversary this month? Be nice to have the Single remixes on streaming and a HQ full version of the Truth Or Dare performance without the cutaway to black and white edits.
  16. Some fans are just fans of her music and want to hear them live. There's no need for them to act out though
  17. Papa Isn't Gimmiky at all. It's a real song about real serious issues with a killer all out rock vocal and an orchestral opening sequence rather than a remake of Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend for the 80's and a post disco song about sexual awakenings in a Betty Boop / Marilyn pitched up vocal. Virgin was a nudge and wink and a flash of the skirt to get you in the room. Papa and Live To Tell slammed the door, locked you in the room, sat you down and told you to your face so you'd listen.
  18. I stand by what I said personally. Madonnas invasion of stage and big screen in The Virgin Tour and DSS & Vision Quest and the soundtrack songs really cemented her as more than a pop video star with two very gimmicky songs and a helium voice. She became a triple threat with a new weapon of MTV video that really set the stage for the True Blue album and her first world tour. Angel was sort of shunted out and demoted, Dress You Up given a cheap tour video (which ultimately did showcase her live prowess) but in the UK at least Into The Groove and it's DSS video really was the first time that we really encountered the full Madonna package. She had her first number one and was everywhere. I think it's the closest she got to a million seller here and with Holiday sat at number two in the charts she felt inescapable. It sealed the deal past the gimmicks of LAV & Material Girl. When I think of the era the two things I think about are Into The Groove, DSS, Crazy For You and The Virgin Tour. The two big album singles seem almost like musical clickbait for the era. Just my opinion of course and I know the Like A Virgin single was probably the big moment in the US for her.
  19. Yeah it was the Like A Virgin era and the gimmicky first two singles that got her all the attention and shifted units. Luckily Into The Groove and Desperately Seeking Susan, her first tour and Crazy For You padded the era out beautifully and here in the UK that was specifically bolstered by the rereleases of Holiday, Borderline and Gambler which made her feel utterly unstoppable. The album is and always was a patchy listen with zero flow.
  20. I wouldn’t say the public started to hate her but the uk press started to to really turn on her around Who’s That Girl Era. It was the first time I remember reading negative articles about her. The UK public never really fell out of love with her til the Guy divorce.
  21. The synths on this album are remarkable. It shares a lot of the DNA of Michael Jacksons Bad which was sonically brilliant. The same slap bass on Papa and some of the drums and synth sounds are pretty much identical. You can probably hear it most in Another Part Of Me. It's all so upfront and clearly audiable after the muddiness of a lot of Like A Virgin True Blue has the clarity of the debut turned up to eleven. The whole thing just pops off.
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