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About Piksel8

  • Birthday 03/02/1983

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  1. Angela's role as a manager?.... she got pregnant. Her first born with Stuart
  2. I'm impressed how this is still a hot topic especially now that the movie has surpassed 1 billion. I can imagine her team going "WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO NOW!!!!!!???" realizing they're in a platform with an active audience who spends their $$ on video games, cosplay costumes, and Disney/Marvel memorabilia. and to some have never heard any of her music. While she (Madonna) is in Italy probably downing her 3rd bottle of rose.
  3. Well its better than nothing at this point. Nsync benefited from the whole "deadpool and wolverine" algorithm since their track was available within OST at launch, so as soon as those keywords were plugged in along with the word OST. Madonna's song was nowhere to be found, so all the stream numbers funneled towards them especially on spotify. Byex3 at 600m vs LAP at 300m is like ummm. Since the movie is still making waves, at least we're getting something from the new EP released and the compilation is directing the numbers towards the right track. But in no way its going to beat NSYNC's spot overall spot.
  4. LOL they actually had deadpool do the exact dance break from the blonde ambition tour, and some bits of Material girl.
  5. If that's the case... then legacy has left the chat... long time ago. Still to cash in streams between either OST vs her channel would've been more profitable for her had it launch at the same time when the movie came out and not at a time when a millions have already taken other versions into their Playlist. It leaves you questioning who exactly are they now building this EP for? Her fans, or the new marvel audience? Guy Oseary's answer will always be about money And Ricardo probably has no clue what a graphic novel is.
  6. That seems counter intuitive considering there are 2 versions of LAP that were used. As a result the stream counts are broken/split (and will further break more with the new Ep) instead of concentrating the count into their respective singles thus making it into the charts. That's what nsync did and they got back into the top global streams. While i do wish the best for this Ep to get high stream counts, that peak period to get the most out from engaged movie audience is gone. It will possibly have a resurgence when the movie becomes available on disney plus, but it's going continue to trail behind bye bye bye. Disney probably did not anticipate bye x3 to sky rocket more considering through all the junkets and interview it was Madonna LAP that they frequently promoted.
  7. Someone mentioned this before/earlier (I think it was prayer) that Madonna didn't allow LAP to be part of the official soundtrack(s). They are probably now realizing how a massive mistake that was considering if the film does break 1 billion. It would've been another record for her to take in the soundtrack genre. The movie is now at 924 million and people are estimating it to break 1billion by Sunday and we're only 3 weeks in. It's already the highest grossing rated movie ever. And if it continues for another month, it could easily get in the top 20 to 10 highest grossing movies of all time. How I wish she's starting to realize she's surrounded by FOOLS!
  8. Thank God!! But honestly, they should've released this 2 weeks ago. I'm guessing her team just noticed how nsync hit gold with the resurgence of bye bye bye after they renamed all the singles titles to "official deadpool and wolverine soundtrack" Not to mention d23 happening and how the movie is about to hit 1billion this month. Like a prayer should've ranked higher since it was primed as part of the trailer. But here we are.
  9. No. for her standards, you know at that time she can do better. the first act was good but the 2nd was meh with the slacklining and the awkward shuffling with one of the members from LMFAO holding her leg up. Seriously WTF was happening here? The final act was good. The whole performance was meant for TV and it did set a standard. if you were at the arena, the whole set up was VERY underwhelming because the stage was small. later acts did better (specifically Katy Perry), as her team studied Madonna's performance and definitely utilized the same mechanics and used the ENTIRE stage for a choreographed show.
  10. great shirt... here's my money.. Now where's the celebration tour tour book?
  11. Mine was dead silent. it was annoying! me and my friend wanted to cheer for that epic fight scene with Like a Prayer playing since everything that happened was for Marvel fans having Wolverine wear his mask that everyone wanted so badly. The movie is sort of a big deal now for Marvel since most of the movies that came out after endgame was either trash or not up to par with phase 1-3 movies, even the movie joked about it going all meta. I'm glad Madonna said yes to this opportunity.
  12. Just finished seeing it. If you've followed the entire marvel and fox universe, this is a wet dream movie for the die hard ones as it's basically a celebration of fox and marvel/disney finally coming together. Otherwise the movie would be a bore because of the lore. The song was used during the movie's most epic scene. A 2 part one shot action scene of the main characters against a battalion of deadpools. That "note" she gave them (Reynolds and levy) was either for A. The 2nd part of the long epic fight against the group of deadpools. There's a key change and different remix done to the track. B. The final fight which is a completely whole recording of a choir singing like a prayer Shawn levy said that they had to go back to studio within 48 hours to work on this new session (I'm assuming it's a track). I'm putting my bet her note was for option b. Because it leaves Hugh sweaty and shirtless
  13. a cameo character that's probably going to be deleted during editing. I don't think she gained anyone important when she went on tour with him. Casting Dan Gilroy and Sean Pean would probably be the big ones.
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