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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by luckystar

  1. 19 hours ago, Bel said:

    A lot of kabbalah, armageddon, darkness, dark, darkest, light, the signs, the road, luxury of time, time goes by so slowly, like a moth to a flame, hesitation, tree of life, open your eyes/mind... The albums being released about march/april, three videoclips by album, no new concepts and/or approach  about the same subjects and...


    It is usually a leak before the start of  a new era, then a single release and then an album release. Three videos for an era. Doing more artistic stuff for tours.

    Some people here focus too much on album and say they don't know what's next, but the thing is she recycled lyrics, themes and doesn't have something new to say.

    RH and MDNA were very retrospective music wise. Although I liked that, I don't want it to become a pattern. 

    The most exciting things done in 2010s were Super Bowl performance, RH demos leaking and Met Gala performance.


  2. 7 hours ago, madaboutM said:

    Lighten up people! Some take these threads way too seriously.

    no themes:

    -having rappers to give her street cred

    -“don’t tell me to stop doing this or that, I’m a rebel”

    -dancing until the daylight 



    1 hour ago, anaglyphx said:

    When has she ever done that? There have ALWAYS been meddlers in her work, namely Oseary and record execs.

    She is far more experimental than people realise but still has to succumb to commercial pressure. 

    You can't be an artist and a business woman at the same time. 

    Hopefully she can find the courage to TRULY make the record she wants to make and not actually care about the public, which is something almost impossible for her to do.

    Honestly, it is hard to say who the modern Madonna is and what she wants.

    I hope she will deliver something truly artistic and won't care about commercial appeal. 

  3. 7 hours ago, discohub said:

    Are you seriously debating scientific studies with you own little observation out of the people you know ? That's precisely the difference between science and prejudice. 

    How come this forum is filled with conspiracy theorists and astrology believers ? 


    Just because I don't think some study is true doesn't mean I am a conspiracy theorist. 

    Many sites, scientific sites, pointed out that many published researches are wrong. People even tested some experiments and they didn't work.

    Just because you believe everything the Internet says, doesn't mean the rest should do the same. There are so many misinformations that people make deliberately and accidentally. 

    And I don't need certain "scientific studies" to tell me that some race, gender or whatever is more superior to another.


  4. 45 minutes ago, discohub said:

    Those researches are so pointless imo.

    According to researchers, beautiful people are more intelligent than ugly people. Apparently it is a scientific fact. Then, why some good looking people I know aren't that bright and why some average looking people are very smart?  Even many sexy celebs showed how dumb they can be.


    I believe this is true:



  5. 3 minutes ago, MagiC said:

    I have to say that I found S.E.X. ironic. And I enjoyed the production of the finished song. Obviously nothing compares to Where Life Begins- for me the HOTTEST SONG EVER. So New York businesswoman's voyeur. So warm you can nearly smell her genitals in the song. 

    When it comes to music, I prefer the demo. It was catchy. The album version is just boring and too hip hop-ish even for Madonna.

    Honestly, I don't care if it is ironic and I hate when Madonna says "it is ironic" because she always uses that excuse when she does some crap lately. Calling something ironic won't make her look smart or the work good.

    I hope she will break the cycle that she started with HC era. No more messy Madonna.

  6. I don't mind if she repeats themes. Certain themes like love are pretty much on every album by any artist. However, I want well written songs, profound or poetic. 

    I don't like swearing unless it make sense like in songs such as Bye Bye Baby and AL. In HBC and IFU I didn't like that.

    If she wants to sing about sex, then I want metaphors like on Erotica, something more profound. S.E.X. was bad and even stupid at some points.


  7. 7 hours ago, Luiz Ribeiro said:

    I just read the book now and, unlike the other Madonna biographies, it shocked me. Obviously we know that her brother was a little jealous of all her brightness and everything, but her petty part of not paying him, the blackmail, the toxic friendship with Ingrid, her abandonment with her gay audience because of of Guy Ritchie, her shallowness at home, decorating, dealing with employees, and David's supposed adoption to promote her shocked me a lot.

    I read some parts, but it wasn't shocking at all. Madonna isn't a saint. She was a bitch many times and she didn't hide it. During the 80s dancers were forbade to speak to her on tours.

    She has a big ego. She definitely changed through years.


  8. 4 minutes ago, Rose Mist Stud said:

    I agree but the reality is that if the record is going to sell to the teen/pre-teen market which is the most important market in pop, than she needs lots of famous rappers on it.

    I don't think fans of rap stars will buy some single just because their favorite rapper is a feature.

    Only on Madonna forums fans act like BIM was some kind of a thing in 2015. Yes, people talked about it and it got a lot of views on YT and that's it. Those celebs didn't help her to score a hit, a rap feature didn't help her to score a hit. It did better than LFL and GT, but it was a flop too.

    If Madonna decides to focus on teens, then older people might not support her.

  9. I think she was the first foreign female artist that I listened to in the middle of the 90s while I was a kid. I had no idea what she was singing about, but her music was catchy and hypnotizing. I don't really remember ROL era, because I didn't really pay attention to her and I was more into Britney, Spice Girls and one hit wonders. However, I felt some kind of unexplainable respect. She was Madonna, a different kind of pop star who was above other pop artists. In the beginning of the 2000s I used to watch channels and TV shows about older music, and I always wanted to see older Madonna videos. Express Yourself, Vogue, Justify My Love... Her videos were so brilliant and interesting. I also used to buy magazines hoping to get more facts about Madonna's works.

    It is a shame that TV and magazines aren't popular and important like they used to be. There is simply no magic reading stuff on Internet. 

  10. I think her next tour will be similar to RH tour and close to Met Gala performance.

    Met Gala performance had a very theatrical vibe that reminded of BAT and GST. I hope she will use that performance as a template. If she isn't able to be energetic anymore like on S&S tour and MDNA tour, then she should focus more on artsy performances (theater, drama, stories, artistic choreography...).

    Her new album will determine which old songs she could use. If the album would evoke Music and AL, then we could expect some songs from those albums.

  11. Honestly, I think albums like HC and MDNA could have been more decent if they were extended plays instead of albums. Or at least albums with less songs.

    Especially MDNA. I don't mind bonus songs on deluxe editions, but it was like they were trying to use every crap they made. Let's face it, MDNA bonus songs (BK being an exception) were a B-side material for singles. 

    I am not against  releasing other songs that weren't meant for the  standard album, but if they are bad, they shouldn't be bonus songs on special editions of albums.

    Bad songs should always be B-side on her singles, while decent ones should be kept for deluxe editions.

    Even RH, as a standard edition, should have had around 15 songs, while the deluxe edition  should have had one or two  bonus songs.


    Selection of songs on MDNA and RH was messy. Many bad songs appeared on standard versions instead of  deluxe editions.

  12. Why doesn't her YT channel show all uploaded videos?

    Some videos are a part of her channel, but when you go to her channel, it doesn't show them on the list.


    Some videos like Erotica (uploaded on Madonna channel) isn't even in search results, while its shows Erotica upload by Warner. 


  13. Interesting.

    If Crazy For You and Gambler were on LAV album instead of some weak songs, the album could have been better.

    The same goes for True Blue and WTG songs. True Blue would have been a perfect pure pop album.


    She should have done more ballads in the beginning of the 80s. She focused too much on dance songs, while ballads seemed only like projects for movies (CFY, LTT, TLOL). LDLHA is an exception.

  14. 6 hours ago, anel_ said:

    Erotica, Bedtime Stories, American Life and Hard Candy have gone through the struggle where they weren’t appreciated and acknowledged at first. Usually 5+ years later is when they are given another chance and are loved amongst the fans. We can all agree with this statement

    I would say that maybe some fans didn't appreciated those albums at first. It was the media who failed to see the brilliance of albums like Erotica.

    I wound't even put HC next to those albums. 

    HC and MDNA will remain Madonna's weakest albums for the obvious reasons. Time won't change that.


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