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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by luckystar

  1. That iTunes EP damaged success of all singles. It also deserved more promo outside of USA.

    Other things like radio and ageism are to blame too.

    Yes, it is a basic song, but it is one of the best on the album. It is overproduced, the voice shouldn't have been autotuned and it should have been closer to organic sound of her classic ballads with orchestral feel.

    It should have been the lead single.

    If the song was released by someone else, it would have been a big hit. 

  2. When it comes to her voice, at this point it has weakened and there are moments where she sounds horrible on concerts. I think people were too harsh in the past. Many girls out there got free pass. 

    IMO Madonna's voice was very solid during the 80s and 90s before all that vocoder/autotune overuse. She even delivered strong vocals on Oh Father that Britney and Rihanna didn't do in their careers.

    She dances well. And there are always people who think you have to dance like Michael, Janet or Britney do be called a good dancer. Madonna doesn't dance like them because she doesn't make that kind of music. It is the music that dictates choreography style. Besides, ballerinas don't do stuff like Janet and their capabilities aren't questioned. Madonna's moves on stage, even the simple ones, are always in sync with music. 

    I think Madonna is very good at collaboration with different people, which is important for her reinvention.

    If Madonna is able to come up with a melody for a song, then that is very important. Even if she can't write those notes, that doesn't mean she doesn't create music.

    Also, people try to drag her lyrics writing skills. Why a certain artist, whose IQ is questionable, can be called a good songwriter, while it is hard to believe Madonna can write smart lyrics?

  3. On 10/22/2018 at 10:59 PM, drivebitch said:

    This is one instance where I’m glad it didn’t work out, unlike David LaChapelle and “Hung Up”. That would have been interesting. 


    On 10/22/2018 at 11:23 PM, Fontainebleau said:

    I just watched 'Sly', but I'm glad Romanek got the job. The video for 'Sly' isn't bad, but it lacks the sophistication Romanek brought to 'Bedtime Story'.

    We really can't judge it based on Sly video. Sednaoui had a vision for Bedtime Story, but he used some ideas for Sly video. That's it. Since he was using BS ideas for another video by another act, Sednaoui needed to make the visuals and ideas  suit the new music video. We could only assume that Madonna would have posed like geisha or wore Indian dress in some dreamy scenario. 

    And Fever music video was very sophisticated and artistic.

  4. On 10/22/2018 at 7:18 PM, PWCCA said:

     Agree. Though the downside of this video is that the director pretty much used some of the same ideas that he already used for his work with the Red Hot Chili Peppers... still love it though

    I don't think it was a downside. That is Sednaoui's style.

    On 10/24/2018 at 1:24 PM, skyfitswim said:

    whas it her real hair or a wig ? 



  5. Stephane Sednaoui: “At the time, I worked with Carole Burton Fairbrother and she offered me to direct a video for Massive Attack. I was supposed to direct “Bedtime Story” for Madonna. I had some ideas for this work. But I wasn’t ready so I took a vacation. Madonna was impatient so she decided to make this video with Mark Romanek, who was ready. Then Carole called me for offering to work with Massive Attack and I was in a special state of mind. There were a lot of things that I wanted to do and I transposed some of theses things in the music of Massive Attack. I had three themes and I mixed them into the video.”



  6. Since it is rumored that Magic will be the album title or at least a song, many fans suggested magic, occult and witch could be a visual theme.

    It would be cool, but only if it represents the music. I think it would be awkward to do something like that and release something like COADF. 

    Since the album will be inspired by Portugal,  I don't  expect such a theme. Well, maybe it could work, but only if she doesn't do something too literal. A modern simple witchy folky spiritual look could work.

    On the other hand, Beautiful Game doesn't sound like it was inspired by Portugal. Maybe it was, but it seems it doesn't have obvious elements.


    Just for fun.

    Since witches are back (AHS Apocalypse, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, A Discovery of Witches, Suspiria, Fantastic Beasts...) maybe Madonna should do something similar with her new era or at least visuals (artwork, video) for the lead single, if it is going to be Magic.

    Her MDNA Skin Rose Mist look reminds a bit of Rita Skeeter.


    I think a surreal music video (a la Bedtime Story) directed by Ryan Murphy could be a great way to start a new era. It definitely would make people talk and check it out. 

  7. On 9/9/2018 at 3:11 PM, anaglyphx said:

    'Shanti/Ashtangi'. Shanti means "peace" and Ashtangi is someone who practices Ashthanga. So I always assumed it was peace be to those who practice the 8 limbs of yoga. Perfect title to me. She also uses the refrain "in the form of a man up to the shoulders" in 'To Have and Not to Hold' which I suspect makes 'Shanti/Ashtangi' about checking out the hot guys sweating in her yoga class. Lol. "checkin' out the hotties" later in 'American Life'.

    'Cyber-Raga': Raga is an Indian melody, it also means a desire or to be saturated in something. So Cyber refers to the turn of the new millennium obsession with tech and her interest in electronica which fits with the Cyber Cowboy theme of Music to me. And yes it is the closing chant to Ashtanga which book ends with Shanti.

    'X-Static Process': (One of her greatest songs of all time) The process, the way to ecstasy, finding your true self and letting go of your ego.

    'Isaac': Isaac Sinwani is the singer on it, he appeared on Confessions Tour, he is one of the head teachers at the Kabbalah Centre Moscow. Isaac is also the son of Biblical patriarch Abraham who is to be bound and sacrificed. It's a reference to the negative selfish side of a person that must be bound and sacrificed. 

    I think those titles were OK too.

  8. He started so well with Ray of Light (which was based on many other works, but people ignore that), Music and AL (original and director's cut).

    Jump was a mess, probably because of Madonna, since the video was done during touring and she didn't have a lot of time. I mean, the scenes with her were bad, other scenes looked good.

    Two versions of Celebration. Two crappy works.

    Ghosttown was OK. Nothing spectacular in comparison to ROL, Music, AL and older Madonna videos.

    BIM was better than Celebration, but a basic party themed video.


  9. On 8/1/2018 at 9:20 PM, MerBoy13 said:

    Oh look another list where all the songs post 2000 are ranked lower. -__- All her songs are great. Maybe thats biased maybe not but apart from a couple in the 00's most are fantastic.

    Most of her 90s stuff is simply superior to her 2000s/2010s works.

    The only singles that could compete are Music singles and probably COADF singles. AL singles were good, but they can't compete against older works. AL singles work better as a part of the album than on its own.

    HC and MDNA singles... Do we really need to argue about their quality?

    LFL and Ghosttown were solid and safe stuff, while BIM was a mess, just like Celebration and Revolver.

    17 hours ago, gafuller said:

    The constant sneers at the first 10 songs they list are repulsive. Ghosttown being torn apart for... autotune? Soemthing that can be heard in two spots, and thats worth burning it? GGW is a bop and a true dance song. Cliche for M, but defintely a good dance song. I can see Revolver being on the lower end, but I always loved it. Fethching Lil Wayne out of no where i felt proved her pull in the music industry. 

    GGW is a basic song. However, it deserved a better position instead of Celebration.

    Some of her weakest songs are done in previous three eras.

    12 hours ago, LivingForLove94 said:

     It'd be nice to have actual fans or simply informed and respectful people writing an article about M for once.

    But I understand this is basically an article casually written by a casual listener. It would be like me writing a piece about AC/DC :Madonna032::Madonna049:

    Actual fans? Respectful people?

    Slant Magazine did so many good articles on Madonna and its journalist  Sal Cinquemani, who also worked on this list among other people, is a fan. He is the guy who included Erotica and Bedtime Stories on his list of best 90s albums. Did anyone else do that?

    The list isn't perfect, but at least people tried to be objective and not making a list of favorite songs. If some fans were doing it, top 10 would contain GGW and BIM, just because some of you bop to it.


  10. 3 hours ago, anaglyphx said:

    2008. Turned 50. Got divorced. Plastic surgery. Adopted kids.

    The cultural and business landscape of music completely changed, something she wasn't prepared for. She was stuck in analog while the digital marched on. She left a huge vacuum into which Gaga swooped and stole an entire generation that should have been Madonna's. She's managed to grab every generation since she began until this one which left her feeling insecure to the point where she has to remind everyone "Bitch I'm Madonna"...as well as desperately needing the street cred of the latest rappers.

    All to be expected for a midlife crisis. You can't maintain 3 decades of continual success and not be tired. She's exhausted. Hoping her time out in Portugal and Malawi have reminded her of who she is and what she is here for. Her team of nannys do the hardworking of raising kids, she can't use that as an excuse.

    And she should just let the business things go, forget the gyms and shoes and face creams...be the music.

    "Je suis l'art"


    During COADF era, her videos were weaker and even bad. Druing HC era, she even said that music videos aren't important anymore and then Gaga came. In the 2010s, Madonna cared about videos again, although nothing continued the brilliance and artistry of American Life and Hollywood videos. After those videos, her videos were just good or bad. They simply didn't have the same power like her old ones. And she keeps focusing too much on tour videos, which were great most of time.

    I agree that she could have slayed more with her music  around 2009 and 2010. HC could have had more hit songs. In 2010s, she did some very catchy singles that should have been hits, but it is a generational thing. No matter how good song is, people won't pay attention to it if the artist is older. There are always exceptions. On the other hand, Madonna didn't even try to promote some stuff (MDNA singles).

    The age thing has definitely become a  problem. Not for public, but for her. She keeps whining about it. Besides age (midlife crisis or whatever), I think other stuff impacted her artistry too. I think her private life impacted HC quality and she let the producers to take the control. She even let Warner to decide the genre of HC. In 2009 she just wanted to get over with Warner and that non-eventful Celebration thing.

    I totally agree about BIM. It was desperate and pointless. Public only payed attention to it, because of all those cameos and many celebs didn't even appear on the actual set. It was sad and basic. Below Madonna level. It was supposed to be some anti-ageism thing. Was that all she got?  She used to be so great at talking about different serious themes in her music and videos. Now she fights ageism through basic videos where she dances with younger people and act like a spoiled 16 year old.

    Wasn't she brilliant while making a dance song and video (Music) in 2000, when she was 42? How about doing the same at the age of 47 (Hung Up)? She didn't bitch about ageism then.

    Now it seems she is ready to dumb down her work, so she could show she is still fun or whatever. She keeps talking about art, but then she makes basic songs and videos that could have been done by other entertainers.

    Instagram makes her messy too.  She used to be this cool woman who does what she wants. Before someone replies and say she still does what she wants, let me explain. She used to go in another direction. When hip hop and bubblegum pop was a thing, Madonna was all about electronica and electropop. She was different and that's why she stood out. Her videos (DTM, WIFLFAG, DAD, AL) were a true piece of art and there was that attitude that didn't exist in videos of other pop stars. For example, some Britney's video was just entertaining, while Madonna's video was more than that. 

    Now, she does messy stuff and calls it ironic. Ironic or not, it sucks. And she is too much into this basic pop culture. Now she hangs with Miley, Taylor, Migos... In 1989, she wouldn't even sat next to Martika. Now, she is like some kind of grandma, who has a nice word for all her grandchildren (young basic artists). 

    She wants to support them. Ok. But why does support the most basic artists, while ignoring more creative and original  artists who need support? What about Shura, Florence, Lana, St. Vincent, Gotye, Neon Indian...? She keeps reaching only super popular entertainers from Billboard top 40. 

    In the 90s and the early 2000s, Madonna was into Bjork, Massive Attack, underground scene, local producers. Her music was great and proved she got taste. After that, Madonna started to worship pop culture, which become so boring and stupid, and her music reflected that. I am not saying everything she did lately sucks, but it is there.

    It is normal to get tired and don't do all things she used to do. However, she is still an artist. If she still wants to create art, then she shouldn't do whatever just for the sake of it. If she isn't into new music, she shouldn't make it often or at all. If she feels creative and passionate, then she should go to studio. Going to studio just to have fun and make something fun is a bad sign. 

    Kate Bush is old like Madonna and that woman keeps delivering great works and she doesn't even re-invent herself like Madonna, yet she always has new ideas and approaches. 

    And finally, isn't it ageist to assume that Madonna is old, hence creatively tired? Madonna has nothing to prove, but shouldn't she fight ageism while keep showing how great and creative she can be?

    P.S. I don't mind if Madonna earns money through gyms and MDNA Skin, but she focuses too much on it and pretends like it is harder to make MDNA Skin thing than an album. The cream is made by other people, while she is in the ad. That's it. Yet, Madonna calls it a part of her "art". And she keeps talking about art and artistic freedom, but when it comes to making music, she tends to deliver things that are hardly artistic and too safe.

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