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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by musicinferno

  1. For the MDNA Tour, they added color grading as the very last step so I don't think they will be finished after the audio is mixed. Plus I'm sure there will be more screenings for the actual completed film. Then they have to provide artwork, do photoshoots, continue shopping around for a bidder (assuming they haven't made a deal yet), sign contracts, deal with licensing rights, etc, etc.
  2. I could never imagine her playing amphitheaters. I only think of rock bands and hasbeens when I see these.
  3. 1. Miles Away - 9 2. Ghosttown - 10 3. American Pie - 8 4. Don’t Tell Me - 8 5. Come Alive - 1 6. Burning Up - 10 7. Medellin - 8 8. Crazy For You - 10 9. Jimmy Jimmy - 4 10. Gang Bang - 3
  4. Or a torrent upload like Secret Project
  5. Exactly. There was ZERO promo for it and there wasn't even an announcement for it, not even an insider telling fans it was coming. It literally just popped up on Amazon one day and a fan discovered it and that was it. Her team is useless when it comes to the new ways of promoting on streaming services.
  6. Let's be honest, Pink is more relevant and popular than Madonna nowadays. Plus Pink is releasing hers as an actual documentary with intermittent performances, also coming with a live album/new album hybrid, and a new single. There's no way Madonna will put that much effort into this project, unfortunately.
  7. If they really are working in order, hopefully that means they'll finish it within the next week or 2 and the video can finally be 100% completed. Even still, we won't be seeing this for quite awhile. My fear is a streaming platform won't want it and then we'll have to wait for a physical release for Christmas. #soon
  8. Well this explains why she had her make up team with her in NYC when she was sporting those colorful hoodies.
  9. Don't forget about 86 different beer bitches from different cities.
  10. She said "I want it rough, baby"
  11. I can't wait for them to take crowd noise from the stadium from the S&S audio and overlap it on this. It's gonna make it sound like the theatre was on acid.
  12. I said the same thing awhile back. The Confessions Tour ruined this trend.
  13. There's no way we're getting this in one month. Especially if they are mixing the sound right now. They still need to do promos, trailers, contracts, new photos (maybe), etc.
  14. Tbh I think he's burned out. He should just retire (which would be wonderful for Madonna's career). Don't act so surprised. Thankfully there were no differences in costumes in the tour so I can handle different hair styles between shots.
  15. It's kinda hard to tell in yesterday's pics but....are her ass implants gone? I hope she had them removed.
  16. This is probably how we're all gonna have to watch it to avoid seizures.
  17. Still not finished. My god woman. What's the point of hosting all these screening events when it's not even the final edit? Light at the end of the tunnel is the new #soon.
  18. Especially when she doesn't even have a deal with a platform to stream it on yet. Like why didn't her team work on this a year ago when editing started?
  19. Just a friendly reminder that she completed the entire Madame X album in less time than she's taking editing the tour. Good night.
  20. Her Easter break must surely be over with now? If she flies back to LA, we can assume they will continue working on the edit. If she stays in NY and we don't see anymore posts about it, then I will assume it's done.
  21. Maybe they planned on launching it with the MXT DVD but then the delay happened....
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