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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by musicinferno

  1. I just cannot believe she didn't attend when the internet is talking about her today and she's in town. I wonder if there's a strict guest list at these things are someone dared to not invite her?
  2. It's either Sodade or Future. You decide.
  3. Yup. She wanted it commercial free but they said no. The special was dropped and Madonna still kept her $10M.
  4. I also wished the speech was longer but she was there to draw attention and she once again achieved. This is just the start of her getting herself back into the spotlight before her discography is re-released and the biopic comes out. They probably weren't kidding when she said she wanted to be everywhere.
  5. The dramatics in here. Y'all didn't even complain nearly this much when she looked like this:
  6. It must because Burning Up and Die Another Day were uploaded online and was fully edited and mastered. Supposedly they had the entire show edited and ready to be pressed but I'm Going To Tell You A Secret delayed the release and she was already into the Confessions era by the time it could by released so it was just shelved.
  7. Probably just a speech, appearance, at at most a trailer/ad for Madame X Tour.
  8. And to think this artwork will get overlooked and she'll still continue sucking Aldo Diaz's dick
  9. The Immaculate Collection set is breathtaking!!!
  10. Ok, but what you gonna do if her vacals are altered from a studio?
  11. The only good artwork he's ever made. But I'm not sure what NYC has to do with the show since she keeps referring to Lisbon.
  12. We're almost one month out. Where's the final trailer?
  13. She's a mess. We at least she has a deadline. The premiere date is right around the corner and I'm sure Paramount+ will give her a big fat NO if she wants to edit it for the 197,765th time.
  14. They could have used a better pic But I'm glad they're finally starting to pay attention to streaming.
  15. I mean, Pioneer went out of business decades ago. I can't imagine them turning down a hefty check from Warner to score the rights or even come to a profit sharing deal. Plus I believe Madonna owns the Truth or Dare Paris footage but that's still unknown if the entire show was filmed or just selections. It just baffles me that one of the most famous tours of all time remain unreleased on DVD/BD.
  16. This is the best news in YEARS!!!!!!! Bare minimum, I want remastered albums up till Music, and the Blond Ambition Tour and Re-Invention Tour properly released.
  17. No way. The only album I could see her doing this with is Ray Of Light but even that seems impossible.
  18. How many times do we have to tell you.... She cut Future from the film. Everyone knows this.
  19. I seem to remember lots of trailers too. Hopefully we'll get 2 more trailers for MX before October.
  20. She's just hosting a lot of parties while she has time off before the movie starts production
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