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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by WopaelWopael

  1. I think I would ask her questions the way Howard Stern got her to dig deep about her past and in the end she gave us glimpses of her childhood, New York days, her early years in the business and certain aspects of life; success, love, business, the highs and lows of her career, certain choices. It seemed very comfortable opening up to him and I think interviews like that or the one during the RH era where an interviewer went in-depth about the creative process, those type of interviews she seemed very interested in rather than the usual "How's Lola and Rocoo? Do they like your music?" type questions.



    I loved those interviews!


    Dont forget the "how do you keep yourself in shape while touring?" She answered that question like 5 times 😂 each time alittle more pissed

  2. Hmm? Why did you zero in on just those "re-inventions"?  In fact, the first wasn't really in full, nor for public consumption.  No one, but the die hard fans really remember that if even know about it.  What about the many re-inventions she did on tours in the past several decades?  Why dismiss all them for a couple of minimal re-inventions (if you really call it that?) over the many other great ones? 


    Here we go again...

    Again thank you for reading my post and for trying to find a negative aspect behind it which you could defend like the brave knight that you are, thats really what we need in a Fan Forum.

    But just to clearify some things, where did i say that i would not appreciate her re inventions? My thought was, why she should go to the ESC and occupy a whole act just to perform an old reinvented classic.  Thats why I asked ANDYMAD if hes talking about a reinvention like  the LIB Major Lazer Mix, or a reinvention like the Borderline Jimmy Fallon Version.


    I love The Major Lazer Mix, but why is it just a little snippet? And why did they even record it? It there wasnt any public use behind it.

    Borderlin was great too,but to perform an old classic on a talk show was weird, of course we know its because she wanted to meet Obama, but anyway, why Borderline, it might be Jimmys favorite track of hers, but how about suppoting RH a little bit more? It was still fresh to that time.


    I know blablabla "Lets concentrate on the positive things rather than bashing what she did" We have heard it all before.

  3. Well it could be awesome european exposure with a hot new dance track to premier. Since Europe seems to appreciate her more than NA it seems this past decade. She could possibly pull that off.  She may have more up her sleeves than we assume.  If not a new track, then reinvented classics--- giving us a glimpse of her new vision. And cones. I mean I don't want her to do it if there aren't cones involved. I'm daydreaming. Sue me.

    reinvented classis? Like the La Isla Bonita Major Lazer Mix Or more like the Jimmy Fallon Borderline Version?

    I think both would leave the people thinking "For What?" (with Stella/Esther Voice)

  4. I've always had the impression that it would be tacky from what other people say, but I've never even watched it, not even sure how it is or what.  :thinker:

    the only tacky thing about it is the contest itself with the attitude of some countries, who are only voting for their neighboring countrys. But anyway the interval act would be great for her, not just to promote soemthing, but also for the chance to kind of "represent" lissbon with her privat history with it! She loves Lisbon...I think she would love to do that performance.

  5. If you had an upcoming interview with Madonna, what would you like to ask her?

    To make it more fun lets imagine she would answer everything 100% (without getting pissed ;) )


    To start:

    I would like to ask her about her opinion on

    lyp syncing,

    plastic surgery,

    her fav. tracks from each album

    her relation ship to her siblings (especially the homeless one)

    what her siblings think about her music and if they listen to it

    how much lyrics she contributes to a song


    Let me know what you guys have in mind; Lets make a perfect Interview


    Maybe someday one of us will have the chance to ask her all the questions we are listing now :smile::smile:

  6. I don't get this mindset? Especially since it's watched by millions and possibly the most popular show at the moment.  I feel the same way when people say Madonna's "above" certain things.  Really?  So just because she is a legendary icon, she should just ignore ways to maximize her exposure especially at a time when many mainstream sources which used to support her, no longer do.  I'd say, if she can get on and use it to her advantage, go for it. 



    In Europe Eurovision is regarded as the ultimate tackiness. It propelled Abba's career as much as it ruined it. Please M, don't do it

    i think Rotzheimberg thinks we want her to participate in the Contest. But its just for the halftime show, like Justin Timberlake did 2016 for example.

  7.  No one said she invited them to "brainstorm" lyrics.  I suspect it's more like punching out the actual composition these last few days.  Before that, I'm sure she's been scheduling people to get together with her as well as writing lyrics and melodies on her own.  But I'm betting nothing has been recorded until this past week. 

    I know, but my original input about it was that I guess the album is more advanced in works than we might think.

  8. To me its weird but yeah. Im only here for the artist IDC about her personal relationships or who she is at her very core. :stare: I don't care about her every blemish. As if that changes anything.....

    Hmmm like having a favorite character of a tv show just for his performance in this show, without paying attention to his real life i guess?

  9. Hey guys, I read in the www that there might be a chance that M. is working for much longer on M14 than we might think.


    What do you guys think about the idea of her being the interval act (halftime act) for the ESC in LISBON May12.


    I think it would be a great way to start her (political?) Album with a great performance and the chance to reach a lot of viewers from europe + australia.


    2016 it was justin timberlake so I dont see it as that weird that a not european show act performs, also madonna moved to lisbon as everybody know so she must be a sympathetic choice for the responsable commitee...



    But lets stay real and calm...

  10. Im a fan since Hung up came out. I was 9 years old and went craaazy about everything related to madonna. She was all over the place, I remember planning to help her to stay on #1, with me turning on every radio we got, when hung up was played, so the radio stations keep playing her because they see that the viewers number is rising when shes played, so i thought. Same for tv, I always switched to mtv to check if she airing, even though the whole family was watching a movie :D i was addicted to check it. I even slept with the radio on and I remember one night dreaming of myself watching tv and the sorry video airs in tv, when I woke up I realised that it was playing in the radio just that moment. i guess i know at least a little bit how this feeling for the "older" fans must have been, without getting your daily dosis of madonna by youtube/instagram and hoping her music is played.


    Today, everybody knows I'm crazy for her and I have a lot of friends who always think of me when they hear something about M. I guess you guys have the same status in your social life :D


  11. I posted it already in another thread, but it fits in here aswell


    I just hope for this new ALBUM that everything is well planned:


    talking about the topic of the album

    no matador-likely stuff, she looked like someone coming from the carneval in her red carpet dress),


    new ideas how to promote it,

    she should really stop trying to get medial attention with her often misinterpretable statements, that turn out being  "ironic". fans love them, i do, but normal people will just think shes weird and a  diva with a gods complex. to name some examples:

    -the hydrangeas incident

    -roccos "little sausage" moment on her instagram/ new years party with under age drinking pics

    -when she flashed that girls breast on stage

    -when she flashed her breast

    -kissing/eating drake

    -comparing the abum leak "rape"

    -her nelson mandela promotion for RH

    -giving head for hillary voters

    -blowing up the white house


    come on, she knows the media for 4 decades.



    good single choices

    i'm good with the RH ones but MDNA was just weird; I mean they really forgot Love Spent, Materpiece, Gang Bang (I know its not mainstream enough but come on, thats how she could have shocked people, i remember that the Gang Bang audio snippet they posted on YT got a lot of views)


    good videos

    nothing over edited and rushed like GITM, TUTR, and Ghosttown ( the last two more for their weird story and dancing scenes)


    good and creative backdrops for the tour

    I mean, did they just use the same backdrop they used for Spanish Lesson and Heart Beat/Best Friend again? and whose idea was it to use this horrible montage of Ghosttown...


    and maybe a great concert film,

    with great cover for the disc,  a calm view, a good sound, no exaggerated crowd,  and a not white skinned madonna

  12. I think it's more interesting to get to know her through what her collaborators say and her creative process, her art... not what the tabloids say about her personal life. It's gossip but have at it if you want i mean its your time.  :thinker:

    you can never trust people who just one to sell their product, only few collaborators will say something bad, they are all on ass licking mode, so it should be normal to investigate into gossip if there is some

  13. Electronic with Acoustic Guitar Elements...and some deep Dance Tracks.

    and a Bonus CD with good Alternate Songs.


    and please a good choice in Singles and Remixers of that.


    and No Madonna , tik tok or Bitch in the Songs.

    No ft MIA, Nicki Minaj or Rap Crap

    Thank You.

    I love it when she Includes her name in her songs


    Please no more religious stuff.

  14. I pick Girl Gone Wild.Today I love how rusty her voice is and how she's screaming the chorus, but at first I was shocked how far from the original this presentation is. I still dont get, why her voice sounds like that, like if she had a cold, or a tired voice.

    She sounds like an angel on the original one. Did she really decided on purpose to keep sounding like that for 80+ shows, when they recorded the vocals?


    I imagine her team in the rehearsal studio and herself recording this audio while performing GGW to make the live vocals match the movements...great idea.... but she should improve the vocals a bit, like she did for the Vogue MDNA Tour performance...I know.. this pperformance is harder than Vouge, but come on, its Playback anyway.


    Everytime I show some friends her performance, they get big eyes when she sings "You Got Me In the Zone, DJ Play My Favorite Song",, and the way how she screams the "WILD" in the chorus, just the last one comes close to the Studio Version in my opinion.


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