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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by WopaelWopael

  1. 3 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

    How much did it sell? I don’t think any of them have sold that well in a long time have they?

    And also there was that big issue with the mdna tour discs that were somehow wrong printed or something.



  2. 59 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

    Knowing her she’s probably going to end up launching a live stream for the concert and we have to pay to get in so she can put it towards her next film. 

    I wouldnt mind. If it was just available in every country.

  3. 56 minutes ago, bedtimestory said:

    So funny when fans say ''I hope she doesn't use any crazy filters or seizure edits''

    When every recent madonna tour has always been full of those by default! We all know she loves her mdna tour - contrasty filter lol

    I really doubt there willl be a Netflix produced concert, don't now where they get that lol! She's no taylor swift...lol

    They should call whoever edited confessions tour to do this one.  I dont think the crazy edits will work for these slow MX songs.

    BTW... Rrebel Heart was her BEST tour ever....

    I expect heavy filters and effects for god control. From a stiff ancle that performance would look pretty boring. So i bet they will try to give us an epileptic seizure 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Enrico said:

    So worried right now!!

    It would make sense that she is avoiding multiple shows, like this she has a day off after each show...

    We need to know ASAP!

    But shes not performin on the 20.01 so it doesnt make sense to me

  5. 2 hours ago, cailohfornia said:

    I appreciate this thread and post so much @RUADJAI

    Yes being a Madonna fan, you kind of become an audiophile too and it's true that beginning with MDNA (carrying over to RH) the mixing was simply quite subpar. No -- way below the usual quality superior Madonna mixing and equalizing we were used to pre-2012 Madonna. I will put the blame on the many "producers" of these two albums especially on RH. 

    No worries though, I believe M14 will see a return to supreme quality MADONNA sound we all know and love.

    At least the sung s's dont hurt like shit anymore, since MDNA

  6. I gues its 50/50. A little bit of seeking attention and a little bit paid comercial for LV. Too bad she is still satisfied with negative medial attention...


    Anyway I also think thats a sign that the new album is also going to be ala "bitch im madonna" and not yet an album in which she settles down abit and concentrates more on the music while "acting her age". Because if not, she should stop right away to post pics like that. But Just a thought.... love her anyway, and prefer her to be the unapologetic bitch she truly wants to be

  7. WTF are you going on about?  You totally took a question I had and turned it into something totally I didn't say.  I simply asked why you chose those two over the many other re-invented classics that are far more popular?  Not only that, I never once said you didn't appreciate the re-inventions.  Nothing I posted had anything to do with asking you to be "positive" and not  to "bash".  If anyone misread anything, it is is you.  You're too busy talking out of the side of your ass, not willing to hear what others have to say.  And when they dare challenge you, you want to take it personal.  I promise it won't happen again. Consider yourself ignored.  I certainly wouldn't want to hurt your wittle feelings for asking a damn simple question.   :04:

    My bad, I read your post with a bitchy voice in my head... sorry!

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