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Unapologetic Bitches
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About Alfalfa_HampusFL

  • Birthday 06/18/1966

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    I en prop i toppen af loppen i shoppen
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The Look Of Love

The Look Of Love (21/89)



  1. Can not place myself in a scale... been following Madonna for about 40 years... but I am not interested in every aspect of her life... and mostly follow her for the music...
  2. Some might, but having been a fan for close to 40 years.... there is no way I am going to buy the same old records just because they are released on a colored vinyl... or put on a G.H without anything slightly interesting that I do not already have...
  3. Ha ha about 30 years ago a new album costed about 30$ (Here in Denmark)... and then there was no mp3s and illegal downloads etc... they will take as much as people will pay for the music... stealing music has nothing to do with it...
  4. Been a fan of George for longer than I have of of Madonna... but to be honest I do not give a crap about his opinion about anyone ;) he is just talking about her.. because he knows it creates attention (He has a new book out)... it is with him as with anyone else... nothing creates as much attention and to a certain degree power... as negativity.
  5. For someone with such amazing music I find Madonna's b-sides to be pretty weak... for me Ain't no big deal is the most interesting... Supernatural is ok... but was never a fave of mine...
  6. After that experience we have always gone for seated places... much more relaxing and at least possible to see something else than the back of people...
  7. Not sure that I would call it bullying... but something similar happened to me in Sweden for the MDNA concert... I had a great spot close to the stage... and then a group of people (friends) like 40 cm taller than me forced themselves in-front of me... could not see a darn thing for them... so annoying.. especially considering that they would have had no problems seeing with me standing in front of them...
  8. I love Madonna's voice, sure she is not Celine, Whitney and Mariah, but Madonna has something else and unique to her voice... a warmth and a emotional tone that makes it very pleasant to listen to... that is why most people fall flat when trying to cover her songs... and why I always loved her voice...
  9. After the tour... I am mostly hoping for a new album... but I expect nothing... Madonna will give us what she want's to give us... and only time can show what that is ;-)
  10. The beast within, Justify my love and rain... shortened or out and replaced with Material girl, Express yourself and Gambler...
  11. Waited 8 years for a Madonna concert... since the Rebel Heart tour... and now it is over... Tomorrow leaving Copenhagen to drive back home. strange that it is over now... but was great to see her again... hope to get the chance again in the future... 4th Madonna tour the husband and I have attended... and we have enjoyed them all.. not fully agreeing about what concerts was the best.... but guess that is normal... for me this (Celebration tour) had the best set-list... even if I would had like more focus on the Like a Virgin album and less on the Erotica album...
  12. Already waiting in line we will only leave from here to go to the Royal Arena in about two hours...
  13. Would most likely had been the right thing to do... but we just got a good laugh out of it.. especially of the fact that she so clearly was getting us mixed up.. when my husband is about 20 cm taller than me and weight about 30 kg more ;) These days I do not bother with cameras... pictures always end up horrible and take to much attention... better to focus on the concert and the internet is filled with pictures and videos anyway...
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