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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by Dazedmadonna

  1. I need to reconnect with dazedmadonna and devilpray. I haven't talked to them in 5ever

  2. I need to reconnect with dazedmadonna and devilpray. I haven't talked to them in 5ever

  3. I need to reconnect with dazedmadonna and devilpray. I haven't talked to them in 5ever

  4. No one should ever cover Amy Winehouse. Ever. Simple. Enough. Let the girl rest & let the music SHE recorded live. Peace.

  5. So there is a high risk that we won't get neither Medley nor WTG in Turin Nov. 21st? It just can't be true!

  6. I still can't believe I am seeing Madonna tomorrow. HELP

  7. I can't wait to see the setlist tomorrow in Prague... Dress you up needs to stay!

  8. Who wants #3 today?

  9. On your knees, confess to me Posted Image

  10. Do you prefer the person you are when you're drunk or sober?

  11. I still need to let go of the mind boggling fact that rebel heart wasnt the lead single squad whos with me

  12. What's the most HQ Blond Ambition soundboard audio that we have? I mean, stereo and etc?

  13. What's the most HQ Blond Ambition soundboard audio that we have? I mean, stereo and etc?

  14. New Iconic backdrop theme available now :)

  15. So childish to put all Gaga fans in one space.. Saying they are all the same.. A lot of Gaga fans love Madonna to

  16. Comic Sans is literally the most unattractive font in the world.

  17. Something's coming over!

  18. MadonnaNow informed that, originally, Devil Pray was going to be the 2nd RH single, but then, the 4th, but now, it has been decided not to release it. [OprahWhatsTheTruth.gif]

  19. New leaks? Where?!

  20. New leaks? Where?!

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