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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Anapausis

  1. Already had this idea @Ayham hehe!!! EDIT: just saw I'd already had yours too, @deathproof !!!
  2. The actual single that should have been. Instead we got Sunday Girl's discarded demo.
  3. Polish guy, like M said once, przepraszam, but how do I have access to that particular info given I tried something similar with another video from this account (more precisely the actual Dallas Austin remix for TPOG)? As you can see, nothing appears in my screenshot. Would love to know if missing AL singles remixes are already copyrighted as well! Thank you very much in advance! ("Thank you" in Polish is "dzięn dóbry", right? So many diacritics...) P.S.: Please, I beg your pardon, but don't answer me in Polish, first because I don't speak it, just know by chance the language alphabet as I love philology, second because... well... we're talking in English, aren't we?
  4. Well, she actually rehearsed it alongside with Live to Tell for Girlie Show. Naturally nor one nor another could fit in the narrative of the concert, so they were quickly scrapped, shame is that there weren't any alternate songs to replace their place!!!
  5. Highly documented back in this exact forum. M's "new" adlibs featuring courtesy of Dean. Ooohh oooohhh yeah I'm gonna keep my baby!
  6. So where Verás would be if it comes to streaming? Ofc the only possible answers are YLS and OMC EP's!
  7. The song produced by SAW sung by some guy whose name I can't recall is cute. El Coco Loco, however...
  8. In this case, would it be the 30th anniversary of STR to happen in a couple of years??
  9. Please!!! I beg for Verás to be added finally on streaming!!! Given I'm Latin American, my local STR had it on its tracklist right after IWY (OV)!!! Tú piensas que yo no podré vivir sin ti, and indeed I can't live without THAT version!!!
  10. Well let's say one of my favourite adult movies ever is "Danny's Anal Ordeal" starring the legendary Danny Bliss. He knew what you mean... OT: Rhino can choke on X (formerly Twitter)!
  11. I truly hope with all my forces your setlist is the one M's actually rehearsing and you got it from someone right from Nassau and put it here labelling it as a dream setlist, your setlist's exactly what I do expect from this tour and I'd be very disappointed if your setlist didn't end up to be the true one. After more than 2 decades being a M stan for life, I never have read any fan setlist that matched perfectly to what I believe could be a M's GH Tour by own M's terms (sorry for the confidence and even more sorry if I am annoying someone owner of any other setlist). Even the total song interlude absence from your setlist would denote to me the feature of Bob the Drag Queen intermissions the same way he did for Finally Enough Pride gig. Of course if I am not having any delirium you may perfect keep faithful to your secret... ;-) EDIT: Maybe I'm just feeling the fever after being so thirsty for tour spoilers, hahahaha! Let's play it nice right? Can you all get a sense of humour? EDIT 2: Before someone comes, I know very well this isn't the actual place for spoilers... ty...
  12. 'Tis completely new to me!!! Especially because I can't see any other song in the place of MG actually!!!
  13. Flawless! When I feel like listening to LS original Q-Sound done by Pettibone, I go for any YouTube video which features it. My main streaming platform's YouTube Music which allows to watch any music-related YT video, including adding original YT playlists. I got shocked when Deezer Premium got totally restructured after a year of non using it. I only use it for tracks I can't have direct access through full albums on YTM (you know, the ones what got replaced by the corresponding MV's...) Actually given I'm not a strict audiophile, I use the video M uploaded on her official YouTube account with the full content off Dolby Atmos iTunes' version recently available to listen to TIC instead of accessing the actual album. You know which video I mean; if not, this one here: Why? I've just fallen in love with the new PDP ending!!!
  14. Finally justice's being done to DTM!!!! Could someone investigate if Die Another Day and Nothing Fails/Nobody Knows Me remixes are already also copyrighted on YouTube? They're allegedly coming next month, given the anniversary rerelease pattern of course! So my wish regarding all her 00's maxisingles on streamings could be potentially coming true!!!
  15. I still wanna know which alleged Bedtime Stories song she was rehearsing for Confessions Tour, according to some insiders back in the day. I used to think it was Secret in a more acoustic rendition than was DWT one and that was meant to feature at the Never Mind the Buttocks section.
  16. I would never censor you... Now you make me smile by reminding me about RIT Anaheim footage... First time ever I watched RIT concert - ofc not in person!!! But 2 years later back in an Orkut community (RIP)... How I remember every frame of it (even the missing start off Bedtime Story...) Oh the memories... Later on I used to have not 1, but 2 DVD's of this footage (burnt both thanx to this very forum) - but, as I told at another thread, I only have kept official material to this date...
  17. Indeed to all. Especially because ROL performance at that fundraiser for DiCaprio Foundation (or whatever it's named) was actually a rehash... of DWT one (I mean the arrangement... Ofc that original magic routine would never be replicated by that time) And, uh, OYH rendition at same concert was what MDNA one should have been, but in 2012 she wanted to pay homage to Basque culture (hence the folkloric txapela which she misinterpreted as her "French beret") and did an OYH version that was reminiscing of the historical fight of Basque country for independence and recognition - actually, Sagarra Jo is kind of a Basque traditional chant to keep persuading Euskerra people to rise up the flame of Euskadi nation (I actually went surprised there wasn't any reference to the Basque flag, called Irraskina, but, again, she was performing in France and Spain) and somehow all of this wonderful homage to the "cave people" got lost in the horrible translation that removed all original OYH magic.
  18. Favourites: PDP/LAP/Secret/Frozen. Choice: unarguably the one in bold, again.
  19. My favourites: Borderline/Take a Bow/Don't Tell Me. My choice: the one from them in bold.
  20. Well, I've already abbreviated Celebration Tour as TCT, given I'd already referred to Confessions Tour as CT. CT1 for Confessions Tour and CT2 for Celebration Tour could also work, don't you think so? OT: I just wanna know how M now will reference the Pepsi imbroglio on her biopic given she was crystal clear about LAP playing a big part on it as being the only one song whose writing process would be documented on "Little Sparrow"... Followed by the Pepsi backlash/boycott...
  21. I totally understand that, considering the tour postponing very ahead of its original time schedule... Plus, considering the venue choice for TCT, it'd be brutal if M came to my hometown to perform at Jeunesse Arena instead of Maracanã or Engenhão stadiums...
  22. I used to own a RHT MC bootleg offered by them that I burnt somehow (now I don't own any bootleg, M's or anyone else's), I knew his reputation through FB (oh those times), didn't know he's still around but good that someone from socials old times is still very active (and nuts as expected).
  23. @Prayer @milingo83 is there a way to catch and share the YouTube/YouTube Music rankings about M's MV's and tracks available on the "Madonna - Topic" official account? (You know for sure what I'm talking about, right?) I don't use Spotify for years (the free version's disgraceful and I don't feel like subscribing it given I got Deezer Premium and even this one hasn't satisfied me the way it used to do), would like to know how much I've contributed to M's statistics since I have been used to listen M mostly through YTM... (even with the MV's constant appearing instead of single/extended/album versions, yes, know it sucks but I'm perfectly used to bear it as of now...) Ofc this would be through a whole new thread specifically for YT/YTM stats/rankings...
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