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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Anapausis

  1. Wow, sorry for doing this question but is she still above BTS at this point?
  2. Well MSG dates will take place now in the middle of the Winter. Brooklyn ones will already happen as planned during the very late Fall. Maybe they're thinking these dates are very likely to suffer MDNAT Miami fate. I wouldn't blame them. Better's to warrant some footage done before intercurrences happen. After all CT1 (you know what I'm referring to) was originally planned to have its concert film shot in NYC, later on they chose London... Why the history cannot repeat itself?
  3. So are you indeed Kevin aka Madonna member from Flop of the Pops???
  4. At this point most veteran forists already know who I was in the RHT days... At least @ScottyX has a glimpse of who I actually am. The most famous Madonna and Mariah collector in entire Canada at least knows I know him, lol! Anyway I was tempted to come back here throughout the years but ultimately I just felt the need to advise @MPoweredabout 4 Minutes situation at his very comprehensive (in his very German tradition) megapost about all M singles release dates so... Here I am again!!! I will try to not commit the past mistakes as much as I have tried to evolve myself through this decade, after pandemic just took the world. Being away from socials happens to help a lot in this process. Naturally I have never left this place. As a guest, this was my most accessed website ever through the last years!!! As a Gnostic soul, I recognize and cherish another one as well as her longtime fans. Now y'all know who I am... Pleroma, tis my mouth... EDIT: time to tell what "anapausis" means... "Rest" in Greek and Coptic, a fundamental concept to my faith...
  5. Matthew Rottenmund simply does it better. There's no other like him (Lucy O'Brien comes in a most deserveful 2nd place though)! I'm quite baffled she only knew him during MXT.
  6. Thank you very much!!! Maybe she's pulling a Taylor and filming early concerts to her concert film, predicting they'll be the most suitable ones for that (especially taking in note the attendance reaction to her given these will be the very first ones since she was reborn...) Ofc there are other reasons that come to mind, such as possible gig cancellations throughout the tour course and maybe having to face not-so-full venues after having to tour during Winter...
  7. You NEVER, NEVER mess with a Leo (especially also having Virgo as Moon sign; believe me, tis by personal experience)!!! M herself didn't add that extra lyric to Living for Love for nothing!!! EDIT: Sorry to the traditional horoscope haters here, but paraphrasing the very M, "if you fvck with horoscope, you fvck with me"!
  8. Well at least they have fixed the fvcking release date of the EP's? I'm afraid to go there and notice they still haven't - would be another outbreak to my personal collection...
  9. Well, Kamins and Jellybean did produce alternate versions for ANBD that have never come to surface yet. And I'd be very pleased if they actually leak someday (even I know ofc they won't, at least while M still breathes).
  10. I meant this as @MPoweredhas stated numerous times here and in other forums: S/A - mantra song chanted at the beginning of a yoga session. CR - mantra song chanted at the ending of a yoga session. So, beginning = S/A, ending = CR. To answer ur question: BIB, ofc!!! But both are great. My turn: Erotica or Erotic?
  11. Again, Spanish Eyes with no thinking twice! (Sorry LTT but...) Shanti/Ashtangi or Cyber-Raga? The beginning or the ending?
  12. I knew once through Facebook a Brazilian nissei who's a passionate Madonna fan whose name's Fabio Shimada, I thought you were him, sorry for my mistake.
  13. Over and Over with no hesitation!!! Would kill to listen to the original 1978 The Breakfast Club full demo that probably was never properly recorded!!! Well, You'll See or Verás? I mean, which one has better lyrics? Sorry I'll try to not laugh to myself... Alternate question if first one is too dumb to be answered... What It Feels Like for a Girl or Lo que siente la mujer (same criteria again... Sorry I couldn't resist to...)
  14. May I ask you a very private question? Is your last name (actually first one in Japanese) Shimada???? Ofc you can just say "yes," "no," or "no comment," all of them are fine to me. OT: if I had a turntable (and can't afford a mediocre one, let alone a very good one...) I guess I'll have to resort someday to the Chinese retailers at a Chinese webstore which ships to here to get my hands in you-know-what...
  15. May I choose both? Well imo DP demo > DP finalized song (I hate BloodPop for killing that instrumental intro!!!) while WAOM demo < WAOM finalized song (this tells a lot about my taste). Since I've recently rediscovered (thanx to this place) RIT studio versions, which discarded one of them is better? ISS or DYU?
  16. Well @Honey Little I would like to see Gnostic literature at M merch stores as she admitted in 2009 while touring Israel to local newspaper Yedioth Akronoth that she was studying Gnosticism prior to Kabbalah - I mean, Berg's Kabbalah, not true Kabbalah as established in medieval Palestine by Luria and other Rabbis, but we as longtime M fans know all of that...
  17. Are you still traumatized by Hey You at Live Earth???
  18. Shalom aleichem alefah!!! (Now I know my Hebrew's even worse than my Italian!!!)
  19. Now I know I need to get my Italian improved... Grazie!!!
  20. Exactly my thoughts dear but it's better late than never!!!
  21. I suppose you have already read GHV2 booklet for a peculiar explanation of what the "secret" in Secret actually is.
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