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Unapologetic Bitches
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survivalartist last won the day on January 13 2020

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  1. In my opinion, for the sake of community we need a RuPaul and Madonna sitdown interview style program, maybe on social media with no script/filter/etc, where they just chat about life and clear the air. I don't want to think RuPaul is using Madonna to sell books, I think the approach is genuine and almost a cry for attention, if he was so hurt by her and maybe she didn't even mean it what if they could just squash all the alleged shit from the 90s. 

    1. Ian


      RU b like:



    2. Blue Jean

      Blue Jean

      How he says Madonna treated him (some 40 years ago, mind you) is exactly how he is said to treat the contestants on his show. I really don't think RuPaul is some beacon of humanity so I don't feel Madonna needs to acknowledge his comments. He is just another bitter queen to add to the list with the likes of Boy George and Elton. He also made the comment "Madonna is only interested in Madonna" which is exactly what any onlooker would also think about him.

    3. RUADJAI


      What happened?

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