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Yung Rapunxel

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by Yung Rapunxel

  1. I think Don't Tell Me's B-roll might be the next to leak possibly. There are images a member on here has used as icons.

  2. I think Don't Tell Me's B-roll might be the next to leak possibly. There are images a member on here has used as icons.

  3. Living For Love and Ghosttown in VOB aren't master. Thanks

  4. I still wish the full 4 Minutes backdrop from the Hard Candy Promo Tour or the Sticky and Sweet Tour would leak.

  5. "I Fucked Up" is such a sad song, literally fucked up

  6. i need more soundboard leaks tbh

  7. more soon for this great forum :)

  8. Praying for the Rain B-roll to leak next.

  9. New avi from the most underrated MV. EVER.

  10. In pop music Katy perry is the best video maker nowadays, always on point :owy: kwen

  11. In pop music Katy perry is the best video maker nowadays, always on point :owy: kwen

  12. In pop music Katy perry is the best video maker nowadays, always on point :owy: kwen

  13. i dont know if im depressed or just tired of the routine life

  14. Does anyone else feel that Madonna was persuaded by her management to pull the original American Life video?

  15. "What about , kinda cute, kinda hot, kinda sexy, hysterically funny, but not funny-looking guy who you could fuck, did you not understand?"

  16. Do you think the GP is still interested in Madonna?

  17. Inna's new album this month: YAS :jamming:

  18. Amy Winehouse's albums have been mastered for iTunes and I'm in love

  19. I love Devil Pray, so much potential in that one! Shame they had to cut out that awesome western intro!!

  20. Amy Winehouse's albums have been mastered for iTunes and I'm in love

  21. im having so much fun with these stems pretending that i know how to properly mix songs lol

  22. Currently fangirling over: FKA twigs

  23. im having so much fun with these stems pretending that i know how to properly mix songs lol

  24. Are we allowed to call Rocco hot yet or is it still weird?

  25. Are we allowed to call Rocco hot yet or is it still weird?

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