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Yung Rapunxel

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by Yung Rapunxel

  1. I still need to let go of the mind boggling fact that rebel heart wasnt the lead single squad whos with me

  2. I still need to let go of the mind boggling fact that rebel heart wasnt the lead single squad whos with me

  3. bring back Hamish Hamilton to direct the Rebel Heart DVD

  4. BAT New Jersey... welcome to the world.

  5. BAT New Jersey... welcome to the world.

  6. I still don't get why The Spirit Indestructible by Nelly Furtado received such HARSH reviews.

  7. My thoughts are with my Mexican people right now. Hoping everyone is safe with their loved ones

  8. We have our 2nd full show recording :)

  9. Anyone has Messiah, D&D, SEX or Candy Shop from Edmonton 12th? These are the only missing to us to make the audio for the show (:

  10. Anyone has Messiah, D&D, SEX or Candy Shop from Edmonton 12th? These are the only missing to us to make the audio for the show (:

  11. New Iconic backdrop theme available now :)

  12. At least if you're going to have some form of hate,do some fucking proper research before making stupid comments.

  13. I wish SendSpace would be eliminated from Earth. It's literally the worst file sharing site and it takes twenty lifetimes for shit to download.

  14. I wish SendSpace would be eliminated from Earth. It's literally the worst file sharing site and it takes twenty lifetimes for shit to download.

  15. among U2 fan gropus on fb, it's being spread that the RH tour might actually come to Latinamerica in early 2016, and depending on that, some I+E shows by U2 could be added here too.

  16. me @ everyone that says MDNA was a bad album: Falling Free makes it up for every mistake on that release.

  17. Why the lack of full recorded RH shows MDNA Tour we had loads

  18. I'm sorry, but Lana Del Rey is without a doubt one of the worst "singers" I think I've ever heard...Her voice is intolerable and much like nails on a chalkboard.

  19. I don't understand why we aren't allowed to talk or share demos & leaks but it's permitted to share videos from the tour.

  20. Members who post absolutely nothing to get a download link should be banned.


  22. I have such a new found appreciation for the album bc of the tour... Especially Iconic and Heartbreak City.

  23. People who don't like opinions yet go on forums are very lost and confused people, I like giving them directions.

  24. New Rebel Heart Tour Theme for the forum available now :) try it

  25. New section is here :heart:

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