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Yung Rapunxel

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by Yung Rapunxel

  1. You're stupid if you'd take a TV rip over the master rip.


  3. Addicted to ...

  4. Hey, I don't know if you know this, but Britney's "Pretty Girls" cover is literally everything.

  5. I'm not happy with my relationship with my boyfriend, he always makes me run after him and pressures me into having sex. I want to leave him but i dont know how he will react. What do i do??

  6. I have a feeling la cantine is going to leak in full soon...

  7. Xtina is following me on Instagram! My life is complete, ok not. But it's something I actually never expected :D

  8. cunt diddle cunt du cunt cunt :party:

  9. god i hate wendy williams so much

  10. cough cough im sick

  11. Very disturbing how Mike Tyson was the fist "iconic" figure that popped in Madonna's head after she wrote Iconic :freaky:

  12. Even with no light, we're gonna shine like gold, in this mad, mad forum...

  13. why did britney just release the audio of the onyx tour on itunes with a picture from the vmas wtf

  14. everybody say pussy and keep it going

  15. everybody say pussy and keep it going

  16. Jesus didn't die for your sins so you could treat other people like shit.

  17. I just remembered Fergie was doing the comeback thing... Emphasis on "WAS".

  18. I just remembered Fergie was doing the comeback thing... Emphasis on "WAS".

  19. I still wish the Rain video outtakes would just come out. You have no idea how desperate I am to see that whole thing of footage.

  20. Bring drama to the forum and I'll scalp you I don't care if you're the pope. Im not gonna feel nuking the forum every time i log in ffs love yourselves

  21. the download forums are starting to get really messy with people not using the D/L or RQ hashtags

  22. the download forums are starting to get really messy with people not using the D/L or RQ hashtags

  23. I'm so pressed that Madonna is supporting this shitty Tidal streaming. Who's gonna pay that money for month when you can hear for free. Music not the bling.

  24. I'm so pressed that Madonna is supporting this shitty Tidal streaming. Who's gonna pay that money for month when you can hear for free. Music not the bling.

  25. I'm so pressed that Madonna is supporting this shitty Tidal streaming. Who's gonna pay that money for month when you can hear for free. Music not the bling.

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