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Yung Rapunxel

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by Yung Rapunxel

  1. Literally I have never heard of an artist freaking out about stems/multitracks leaking.

  2. "Rihanna Is The First Artist to Cross RIAA's 100 Million Song Certifications" That Rihanna reign just won't let up :owy:

  3. "Rihanna Is The First Artist to Cross RIAA's 100 Million Song Certifications" That Rihanna reign just won't let up :owy:

  4. what happened to my "Madonna's eggs" topic? I genuinely wanted to talk about it :(

  5. what happened to my "Madonna's eggs" topic? I genuinely wanted to talk about it :(

  6. Due to the spam attacks we're gonna disable registrations for a few hours each day (when the admins arent here), Sorry for the inconvenience!

  7. True story: i use to want to be a girl so bad but i never called myself a girl because i was afraid of judgement I am fine with being a guy now .. I came out about use to wanting to be a girl because i trust you all and needed to share it

  8. I don't think muslims really want the whole world to become Islamic. Who would they hate?

  9. Can anybody leak a complete soundboard of any S&S show? Thanks so much =D

  10. Madonna prices are too high for real. She would sell out shows faster if it was bit affordable

  11. me arriving at your funeral Posted Image

  12. I hope more master videos leak of past Madonna videos besides Open Your Heart and Hung Up. You can totally tell it's pure high quality and not compressed.

  13. oh god why am i so problematic

  14. Am I the only bitch not living for Bitch I'm Madonna? What's wrong with me...?

  15. Am I the only bitch not living for Bitch I'm Madonna? What's wrong with me...?

  16. Am I the only bitch not living for Bitch I'm Madonna? What's wrong with me...?

  17. since the lack of contributions there will not be any other era project from me like ROL

  18. People really need to start using DL and RQ tags on the media section. how ugly :///

  19. Galantis's album is taking forever to leak

  20. Do you think it's still viable for Madonna to come to Southamerica after the Puerto Rican dates? I pray to God she books some venues!

  21. Do you think it's still viable for Madonna to come to Southamerica after the Puerto Rican dates? I pray to God she books some venues!

  22. feeling myself slays af

  23. Why are new users so damn lazy? They don't even bother to use the search function and open up 20,000,000 request threads.


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