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Yung Rapunxel

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by Yung Rapunxel

  1. Someone says Madonna and her staff are talking about to delete some shows...

  2. My thoughts go to France at this difficult time. Why?

  3. COAD -- 10 Years old!

  4. COAD -- 10 Years old!

  5. Why do some fans ALWAYS have to brag about having 'Madonna looking straight to their eyes' while in concert? How can you prove that? lol

  6. your eruptions and disasters

  7. Why so many people have the same profile pictures?

  8. People who have never upload an avatar will from now on have a different default avatar depending on their post count. This will make it nicer on everyones eyes lol.

  9. Did the forum go offline for everyone?

  10. I still can't believe I am seeing Madonna tomorrow. HELP

  11. Alright everyone, the new Grimes album is some legit shit, jsyk

  12. Alright everyone, the new Grimes album is some legit shit, jsyk

  13. Is it so hard to say "THANKS" when you have to download something? Don't know why people write "..." or "!!" to see the hide link instead to say THANK YOU!!! I think the moderator should change the option and we can see the link just if we say Thank you LOL

  14. I "hate" Rihanna because she used the abuse thing with Chris Brown to sell records, and I find that disgusting af. So many women are being killed by men in the world and my mom suffered abuse from my father. A woman in pain would never use this pain to sell any song. Your ex-boyfirend punches you in the face and what you do is make some singles with him? totally bye!

  15. If people think I share what I have with other only for attention, so i think I don't share anymore. I don't want to make mess in this forum.

  16. I "hate" Rihanna because she used the abuse thing with Chris Brown to sell records, and I find that disgusting af. So many women are being killed by men in the world and my mom suffered abuse from my father. A woman in pain would never use this pain to sell any song. Your ex-boyfirend punches you in the face and what you do is make some singles with him? totally bye!

  17. "People who leak stuff want attention" and people who advertise what they have and let everyone know they'll never ever share dont want any attention? Madonna fanbase cancelled

  18. PRECIOUS MUST HAVE MY PRECIOUS ALL TO MYSELF. MUST NO ONE ELSE LOOK AT MY STOLEN PRECIOUS. That's how I read traders who bitch about leaks lmfao

  19. what a time to be a fan

  20. It'd be a great night if the Music S&S backdrop leaked along with everything else. Or any backdrop for that matter. <3

  21. I would DIE to see full MDNA Tour rehearsals... "Girl Gone Wild" is soooo brilliant! Thank you sooo much for sharing this file, you made my day... week.. or even a month!

  22. PLEASE reupload S&S Lisbon & Athens pro-shot! Anyone?

  23. Please could someone repost SS Athens?

  24. I wanted to share with you guys more, but after i share SST I received threaten messages, So i don't think i can share more. Sorry.

  25. Madonna and Sean, sitting in a tree F U C K I N G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes appreciating her art thirty years later.

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