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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. I have the sheet music and here are the lyrics (note that "non compos mentis" is misspelled in the actual sheet music) I'm going bananas And I feel like my poor little Mind is being devoured by piranhas For I'm going bananas I'm non compos mentes And I feel like a tooth being drilled A nerve being killed by a dentist For I'm non compos mentes Who knows? Could be the tropic heat Or something that I eat That makes me gonzo I do carry on so, for I'm going bananas Someone book me a room in the hot hacienda with all my mañanas For I'm going bananas I'm going meshuga All day long there's a man in My brain incessently playing "Booga wooga" But I'm going meshuga There's bats in my belfry Won't you make sure this Straight jacket's tight Otherwise I might get myself free Yes, there's bats in my belfry Who knows? Could be the wine I drink Or it's the way I think that makes me gonzo Oh, Doctor Alonzo says I'm going bananas Someone get me a bed in the "Casa De Loco" for all my mañanas For I'm going bananas Yes, I'm going bananas Si, I'm going bananas
  2. Lol, no, she's saying "non compos mentis" which mean "of unsound mind" in latin, Not "not Campos Mandez" which makes no sense at all. Also, it's "gonzo" meaning outrageous and unconventional, not "gonso" and "piranhas" not "pirañas" Madonna's delivery is no doubt influenced by Carmen Miranda among many other influences as evidenced in the mixing of terms from different languages. She just going for a goofy, 1940s movie Latin style. You should really get your facts right before posting something claiming to have the facts right
  3. I didn't say anything about her next album not being a success. In fact I said most of us would PREFER her to make a new album. So maybe work on your reading skills and pull back on being presumptive and judgemental. Being loud and rude doesn't make you more correct or make your opinion matter more than mine or anyone else's.
  4. That's pretty over dramatic don't you think? Don't read things into my comments which aren't there. Movies just aren't her strong skillset and it's unlikely a biopic written and directed by her will be well received or probably even be very good. That's my opinion, but it's a pretty widely held opinion. Whereas a good documentary done with her input that focuses more on her musical legacy rather than all of the fluff and controversy could be well received. It has nothing to do with her releasing new music which I think most of us would prefer.
  5. The biopic is a bad idea at this point, especially if directed by her. The critics are going to be savage no matter how good it is if she directs it. A well done Netflix documentary series would be a much better choice to tell her story and reframe her musical legacy.
  6. I haven't been following this topic closely but will add my 2 cents. I have always felt that Madonna has done a very poor job of preserving and promoting her gigantic musical legacy. Her music has rarely been included in compilations over the years, it's not played much on radio or music services, she hasn't released her hugely famous early concerts on DVD or blu-ray and she hasn't released super deluxe version of her albums. We all know there is a massive amount of audio and video material in the vault but she has missed every significant anniversary and opportunity to release some of it. She also hasn't allowed anyone to make a Netflix style documentary about her like we have seen for so many other artists from her era. I'm guessing this is all related to her famous disregard for the past and her being a massive control freak but it really is a shame because it might almost be too late for some of this now. I really hope she does because the clock is ticking and she really deserves to be reappraised and seriously appreciated by the mainstream while she is still alive.
  7. It wasn't promoted well. As others have said, the single came out really late. I had a CD bootleg of the Club 69 mixes months in advance and they were being played in clubs far ahead of the official release. I also recall the Club 69 single mix being on in-store music services months before the official release. So it was a bit of a non-event when it finally came out in the US and even though the video got some play it wasn't that well received by the mainstream fans. I think even Madonna fans were kind of past it by the time it was actually officially released. That combined with it being the last single and it just didn't make a splash. But people liked the song.
  8. There are separate live mixes done for the venue sound system and the broadcast in any broadcast situation, even things like award shows. In this case the broadcast mix favored the pre-recorded vocals for whatever reason. If they decide to release this officially they will likely go back and remix it to be more balanced (or however Madonna wants it).
  9. it's just a different mix done live for the broadcast. The mix done live for the venue sound system wouldn't sound right for a home audio system so there would have been a completely different mixer for the broadcast feed. That is always the case. The broadcast mix was really good overall but favored the prerecorded vocals.
  10. Really appreciating Stuart's mixes even more now that I can hear them so clearly.
  11. She decided to make it even more abrupt
  12. I'm guessing they are playing it safe with the broadcast mix to help avoid lame tiktok videos afterwards trying to show how badly she sings. Of course now they'll just say she was lip synching lol.
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