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Redha DBL

Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Redha DBL

  1. YAAASSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite song off RH. It better have an epic music video like a short film.


    THIS ! +100000000000000000000


    M if you read this : You have made the perfect choice for the second single, now make the perfect choice as well for the video : A video with a story line ! Not once again a video that consist of a succession of beautiful visuals with no real story ! More than the form now it's time for the substance to come back. Make a movie-like video, this is the way to go now, especially for such a cinematographic song like Ghosttown.

  2. Still haven't watched it since I've been out (btw I just came from an advance screening of Focus with Will Smith, great movie ) but I'm kinda preparing myself to think it's not as bad as everyone is making it to be.Yes she fell, but stuff happens and it blows over. Along the same parallel, remember when she didn't stand on the bleachers during Music during the Super Bowl?


    Go on, watch it, with the fall and everything. You will see what a real trooper Madonna is. We were already proud of her for many years, but after watching it, it's absolute respect and admiration.

  3. You know what in every bad things that happen there is some good to take from it, and look at the first reviews, not only the performance was amazing but now medias talk about how strong and a pro she is for getting back up that quickly and going on as if nothing happened and also they talk about the fact that now it's the ultimate proof she is singing live. Of course i'd prefer if that has never happened (my heart almost stopped for her), and the most important thing is i hope she's hasn't injured her. I send her a lot of positive vibes right now. 

  4. The perf will be available on google play. Will she allow that, will it be cut, or will she perform again for it ?


    No way she will cut that part, it will show the whole world how courageous and strong she is. No wonder she's still around after 33 years and the queen of pop after seeing that, really. All the haters in the medias have tried to bring her down for 30 years and she always survived, and what happened tonight is the visualization of that, no matter what shit happens, she's stronger and she get up on her feet and succeed. If she falls she'll get up again, over & over !

  5. OMG i had one of the biggest fear of my life. When i saw her falling my heart almost stopped, i mean it's not your average fall, it's was really something bad that must hurt like crazy, on the back and the head. I was so upset because she really doesn't deserve that, but now i am very proud of her, because she's a real fighter, she got back on her feet and keep on singing and doing the whole thing. What happened is really unfortunate and damn, i felt so bad for her, but what happened happened, and now the whole world have seen how courageous and strong she is. Now i know i love her like someone from my family, my reaction when that happened was so deep. You're the queen of the queens of M.

  6. since there are 3 versions of the album, and plenty of awesome demos, imagine if they would add different demos/versions to each release.


    So for example Messiah or Wash all over me, Joan Of A, Hold tight, Beautiful Scars etc (having 3 versions of each)… we would all be less crazy for buying 3 editions just because of album cover  :angel:


    Now that is an amzing idea.

  7. For me it's obvious that if they are not releasing the album today or at least tomorrow on Itunes it means that what has leaked is not the final version. If the album was ready and it has leaked it's simpy not possible they wait to release it, no one with a sain brain would do that. A leak a few days before ok, but more than one month before it's just not possible.

  8. LOL

    Where did that come from?

    Random dude posts a Drake song on VK and everyone goes bonkers.

    Better learn how to use Google Translate.


    What ? i don't know what you are talking about (a random guy posting a Drake song on VK)

    All i'm saying is that several people on forums claims that it is not the final album that has laked and also that Drake is now featuring on "Best Night". It could be true as Drake himself as posted two pics of Madonna on Instagram in the last couple of days with vague captions : "i wanna ride with you" and "What if I pick you up from your house? We should get out" and Madonna herself responds in the comments :



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