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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by LikeAMelody

  1. I was just having fun...I did the same not too long ago. ? Pink Elephants
  2. I chose both but I like Gambler more. I love Jimmy Jimmy in the context of listening to the True Blue album. ?
  3. I didn't know what the heck that was. I still don't.
  4. It bums me out that articles call her tour Blonde Ambition when it's Blond Ambition which I believe was a play on blind ambition as a blonde.
  5. Bay City MI Madonna's birthplace ?
  6. I love her voice. I love what she is saying. ❤
  7. My theory is that people are jealous or annoyed by people capable of giving when "they" can't or can't be bothered to. Some are jealous of the tools celebrities have and some try to downplay others intentions because they do not want someone they think has everything showing them up or showing off. I really do think people who are the most critical of celebrities simply want what they have and their behavior would be exactly how they "think" a celebrity should act if they got that celebrity status.
  8. X the possible original name for you know, that book.
  9. "Apologies, I know I should actually be performing this in the bath" ? I like this guy and it was wonderful hearing this. Thank you, for posting this. ❤
  10. Only in America? I'm surprised. That is a fantastic album.
  11. I thought the same thing about 1990,( I was like, what?) but after reading it I get how they come to that conclusion. I think Madonna was just riding a wave from 1989 to 1991. One colossal wave. Lol Janet and Rhythm Nation was "huge" and I think the album debut was 1990?
  12. For anyone out there who ever thought they were delusional, just go on Madonna's instagram or twitter and read the comments and feel better about yourself.
  13. I know....I couldn't think of anything. ? Oops sorry.... Evita Evita Evita Lol Sorry I waive my post to your selection below.
  14. What I would ask Madonna right now if I were interviewing her: Why do you not have a song that begins with the letter Z?
  15. I like the days when Madonna followed interesting people. Today is not one of those days.
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