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About konfideinmenow

  • Birthday April 7

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    Thunderstorms, music, Halloween, opera, men.

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  1. Extra Atlanta Ticket. Section 5 Row G seat 5 right along the catwalk!!! My husband has one extra ticket to the Atlanta show. Section 5 Row G seat 5 right along the catwalk. it’s an excellent seat. He got moved and doesn’t need the seat. Is anyone interested? thanks!
  2. Hey! My husband has one extra ticket to the Atlanta show. Section 5 Row G seat 5 right along the catwalk. it’s an excellent seat. He got moved and doesn’t need the seat. Is anyone interested? thanks!
  3. Their blend is fantastic. Their voices really shake hands.
  4. the tickets don't say that madonna comes on at a certain time, and as long as we walk in the lights are on and there is music playing the show has started!
  5. XStatic Process from MTV On Stage and On The Record. Moves me, everytime. It's like she's singing to just the listener. Incredibly intimate vocal. Ray Of Light from Oprah - poof that she can mix her registers outside of a vocal booth! Sooner Or Later from the Oscars. Proof she has a stellar belt voice and fuck me deep is it incredible.
  6. What makes you ask? Are you nervous that being bullied is a possibility?
  7. I’M SO HAPPY YOU’LL SEE IS OUT!!!I LOVE her ballads!!!! I wish she had included the DWT live version! #someday!
  8. But she is elderly. Madonna is technically a senior citizen. If you have a problem with the use of both of those terms it can only mean you have a negative association with a person being old. Being elderly isn’t a bad thing. It doesn’t take any value or humanity away, it adds it. It’s a good thing and it’s said with love and grace!
  9. I'm not sure that's it. She's an old lady who was mostly dead a few months ago and on a breathing tube! You don’t have to love it!!!! Her neck is missing three or four inches of its former length. Her shoulders are up, back hunched, it happens. She’s an elderly lady, let’s all cut her some slack. Let's also give each other some grace especially those who are just being honest about their concerns and what they are seeing. It doesn’t make them not fans. To me she seems about 40% of her all time best and like 80% of her recent best. From here on out, this is the best it will get; the next tour will show even more slow down. It's natural. Why don’t we all try to enjoy the art she’s given us and share those soundboards and pro shots, after all M would want it that way.
  10. Spanish lesson dance 2night birthday song. intervention i’m so stupid Superstar Act of contrition. What it feels like for a girl Incredible i’m going bananas.
  11. Spotlight! And the Over and Over Dub. Iconic.
  12. I see I upset some of you. It’s not that serious. I find Sam to be a fraud because his whole act is recycled. We had this very same dog and pony show already so it seems inauthentic and contrived. Madonna who I respect and admire, sometimes produces art I don’t care for. Birthday Song, Spanish Lesson… it’s her art so she can express herself however she wants, but it does seem like she’s a bit late to the Sam Smith party bus, and that’s okay too this is just my humble opinion. As Madonna once said: “opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.”
  13. Sam Smith is a fraud and the worst thing that has happened to the LGBTQIA+ community in years. I feel so sorry for M that she keeps going down these roads for a money grab. Pllllllease will the real Madonna wake back up!
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