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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Fontainebleau

  1. The louder you play it, the better it gets...
  2. While we're desperately waiting for some new material I thought it would be fun to post some of my most cherished Madonna mashups. Do you know some other fabulous mashups as well? Do post them. I'll start with a couple of my favourite mashups.
  3. It's a bit hit-and-miss for me, but I sure love the remix that was used. Oh, and it made me buy a dozen of metallic spray paint cans. They turned out to be water resistant...
  4. I had no idea David LaChapelle was considered for directing the 'Hung Up' video! Wow, that would have been interesting indeed!
  5. I just watched 'Sly', but I'm glad Romanek got the job. The video for 'Sly' isn't bad, but it lacks the sophistication Romanek brought to 'Bedtime Story'.
  6. All cynicism aside, Madonna does look gorgeous.
  7. Well, these stone eggs do look quite comfy... But these days Gwyneth is into real eggs...
  8. Same here!! I think it makes me a minority, but I have a soft spot for I'm So Stupid. Most people don't like the song, but I think it's one of her most underrated songs ever. Especially that 'siren' sound, it gives the song an intensity which I love.
  9. Oh wow! Now I'm disappointed as well! Isn't it possible he just made this up to be in Madonna's good graces again?
  10. Hello Junior, this is Madonna. Are you there? Call me in Miami!
  11. I don't doubt for a moment that Madonna knows what she is doing. If she posted the photo as a means to expose people's thoughts, than that is fine with me. It is not the photo that is bothering me, it are the suggestive remarks regarding ageism and misogyny. I know perfectly well Madonna herself chose to share this photo with us, knowing it would cause a commotion cause controversy. But sometimes I don't like our tendency to put Madonna and others under a microscope to analyze their anatomy. I understand it's human nature, it's just not to my personal taste. I find it horrifying that in this day and age we, as human beings, still have to meet certain standards in order to 'fit in'. I admire Madonna for trying to break with these standards, but she must realise it comes with a price: being ridiculed and body shamed. And I'm sure there are members here who must have experienced the same, who read the comments in this thread and maybe feel as if they are not good enough to meet the standards imposed by today's society. I'm a warrior for inclusion, that is what lights my fire. And that is what made me say that some people should have several seats. If that made me stoop low then I apologize.
  12. I think some people here should have several seats. I don't think it's very dignified to discuss someone's physical appearance, let alone in a special topic. It has no value, nor is it informative. But Madonna's selfies do show that a lot of people could use some introspection considering all the hate and selective indignation being thrown around here. Creating a topic like this is nothing but creating a pandemonium where shit goes down. And I do believe we, as Madonna fans, can do much better than that.
  13. So 45 singles sold more than 1 million copies... That is just... Wow. I really didn't expect 4 Minutes to be #2.
  14. @AspergerArtistI loved reading your story. I grew up as an only child in a rather conservative town, part of the Dutch 'Bible Belt'. There was little room for movies and pop music. There was no cinema and no record store. Sundays were spent either inside your house or in church. Only in school kids would talk about music or movies. But I hardly knew the artists who were mentioned. I was quite naive and lived in a bubble. I read a lot and had little interest in things like pop music. However, there was one big exception: Madonna. As opposed to other families my parents did have television and I was allowed to watch whenever I felt like it. When I saw the Lucky Star video for the first time I was sold immediately. Madonna was so different than any other artist that she fascinated me, even though I was too young to understand that I was witnessing the rise of an icon. In august 1990 I became 14 years old and my parents took me to another town to buy me a cd-player. It was the best birthday present ever. 'Well', my father said, 'if you're going to have a cd player you might as well get some cd's!' It was the first time I was in a record store. There were only three cd's I needed: Like A Prayer, I'm Breathless and the album Pump Up The Jam by a group called Technotronic. For four weeks I listened non-stop to these albums. A month later I bought another cd: Trip On This, the remix album by Technotronic. I absolutely had no clue regarding remixes, but it blew me away. I remember dancing in my room to the Terry Dome Mix of Pump Up The Jam and the Morales Spinster Mix of Spin That Wheel. I thought it was magic the way a track could be changed, using different chords, beats and instruments. In november 1990 I bought Rhythm Of Love by Kylie Minogue and The Immaculate Collection. I noticed how different tracks like Express Yourself and Like A Prayer sounded and I loved it. I was also very impressed with the 'What are you looking at' intro of Vogue. And that was the trigger for me to buy the Vogue single, featuring the Bette Davis Dub and the Strike A Pose Dub. Afther that I bought the Justify My Love single, then the Rescue Me single. I looooooooooved the Lifeboat Vocal Mix and to this day it's still one of my all time favourite Madonna remixes. Being impressed with all these remixes I bought You Can Dance and Madonna: The First Album. I loved the extended versions of Lucky Star and Borderline. And so my Madonna collection became bigger and bigger. When I got older I often went to Amsterdam, to a record store called Fame Records, which had a huge collection of Madonna albums, singles and rarities. I thought I was in paradise. To this day remixes take a huge part in my music collection. I remember hearing this song by Starsailor, 'Four To The Floor'. It was remixed by someone called Jacques Lu Cont. I loved his sound so much that to this day I became the guy's biggest fan. I think I own all of his remixes. The day I heard he was going to produce Madonna's Confessions album I almost fainted...
  15. I'm Addicted, Girl Gone Wild, Love Spent, Some Girls and Falling Free. It are the only MDNA songs I like, but they don't hold a candle to all the singles lifted from earlier albums. But that's just my opinion. For me the album itself feels like the one dissonace in her entire discography. I wish she had focused more on working with Orbit and Klas Ahlund instead of Martin Solveig. In my opinion the songs produced by Solveig are below par. I'm A Sinner could have been absolutely smashing if it hadn't been for Madonna naming the saints and their virtues. It feels as if the song is put on a break while it should have just gone on being the beast that it was before the break. But again, that's just my opinion...
  16. I feel it wouldn't have mattered if Madonna's speech would have been different. It's just very fashionable to hate Madonna these last couple of years. She just cannot win or do any good in the eyes of the public. So she talks about herself? Immediately people jump on the narcissism bandwagon. If she had kissed Aretha's ass and would not have talked about herself people would have said it would not have been Madonna's right to do so. Because she's old, white and pop and she doesn't know soul. If she hadn't said anything at all people would have accused her of being arrogant: Why doesn't the Queen of Pop say anything about the Queen of Soul? And so on, and so on. It's just a shame she feels she has to explain herself of defend herself. I would rather have seen her ignore the haters. I mean, she must be used to it by now. It happened after MJ, it happened after Prince. But still MTV, Billboard and lots of fans expect her to say something. Because she is the elder stateswoman of pop music, like a president. She commands respect with her experience, knowledge and wisdom. Other artists look up to her. And these other artists know that Madonna has paved the way for all of them. But the general public is different. People tend to forget and the younger generation hardly knows what Madonna is famous for. Madonna has survived, she has seen artists come and go and still holds the crown. Some people can't stand it, some want to see her fall. Because people tend to forget things this will all blow over very quickly. And I truly believe where Madonna's music is concerned we are in for something special if not spectacular. So let's forget the VMA's and move on, her music will be coming soon.
  17. It is indeed quite an epic version! My personal favourite remix of Express Yourself however is the Local Mix.
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