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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Fontainebleau

  1. Directing a movie regarding your own life just doesn't work for me. Give control to an experienced director, like David Fincher. He knows her but has enough distance to her persona to make an objective movie. Like everyone else Madonna also has her blind spots. And wanting to be in control of every aspect can also ruin the entire project. I guess she just wants people to view her the way she wants them to view her, so her public persona will not be tarnished. I understand her decision, I really do, but in the end I would really like to see another director shooting this biopic.
  2. For me it's a tie between Erotica and Drowned World. It really depends on the mood I'm in.
  3. Why just go for the conventional one actress instead of casting several actresses who can depict different facets of Madonna's looks and public personas? A bit like the Bob Dylan biopic I'm Not There.
  4. Shep could very well be the best producer. Vogue, Rescue Me and the Erotica album are practically flawless. However, Patrick Leonard (and to a lesser extent Stephen Bray) will always be remembered for producing the most amazing and iconic singles that turned Madonna into a superstar in the eighties. Leonard was also responsible for writing and co-producing a significant amount of tracks on the Ray of Light album. William Orbit did outstanding work on Ray of Light. The album had a totally original sound, it had hardly any filler tracks and it once again established Madonna as the queen of reinvention. But listening to it in 2020 the album sounds a bit dated to me. Orbit's work on the Music album (however good it may be) and on MDNA just doesn't compare to Ray of Light. Beautiful Stranger, however, is a fierce delight and a forgotten gem. The production by Mirwais on Music and American Life is just fabulous. Modern, icy, stylish, cool and avant-garde. Both albums could be my personal favourites. Future Lovers on COADF, which was also produced by Mirwais, sounds fantastic and is one of my favourite Madonna songs ever. Unfortunately, his production on Madame X, although a much better album than Rebel Heart and MDNA, sometimes missed the mark for me. A bit half-baked and not Mirwais enough for me, with the exception of Medellin (the best Madonna single post COADF) and Killers Who Are Partying. Fan favourite producer Stuart Price worked on some of the best singles in Madonna's career, but COADF contains a lot of filler tracks. For me, Hung Up, Sorry, Get Together, Jump, Forbidden Love and Future Lovers (which was produced by Mirwais) are fabulous, while the rest are filler tracks. I think Stuart Price is one of the best remixers ever and he was an excellent tour director, but I don't think he is a great producer. So when it comes to my personal top 3 producers I choose Patrick Leonard, Mirwais and Shep Pettibone.
  5. Okay, at least it's way better than Champagne Rosé, so cheers to that! ?
  6. In 2016 Blond Ambition by Elyse Hollander topped the so-called Black List of favourite scripts voted on by Hollywood film executives. Now that was something I was really excited about. Unfortunately Madonna said that this planned film of her life was "all lies". I understand Madonna would want to be in full control of everything and therefore decide to write a screenplay about her life herself. But wanting to be in charge of everything can also be a blind spot leading to Madonna giving us her version of events, while a screenplay or script written by someone else could be more objective. I really want this to work for her, I'm just afraid ego will prevail over truthfulness.
  7. Please don't let it be a mash-up of Into The Groove. And I hope there will me more remixes than just the Blessed Madonna one. How about the track's co-producer Stuart Price doing a Jacques Lu Cont remix? Now that would make my day.
  8. I Don't Search I Find Mer Girl or Paradise (Not For Me)?
  9. No: Mike Dean, Diplo, Billboard, Pharrell, William Orbit, Mirwais. Yes: Nicolas Jaar, Stuart Price, Ben H. Allen, Nigel Godrich, Jack Antonoff.
  10. @MarXusThat is a good idea. But I don't know how to do that. Perhaps @Fighterknows? Something like 'Vogue Live: The YouTube Uploads'?
  11. It's a tie between Secret Garden and Mer Girl. It really depends on the mood I'm in.
  12. In this link to an earlier thread you can download the single...
  13. Madonna's music has been the soundtrack to my life. As a kid I already liked her music, but she became a hero in 1990 when she released Vogue. I remember seeing the video for the first time like it was yesterday. I was 13 years old, growing up in a small village, being an only child and I had no clue regarding my sexuality. Seeing the dancers vogueing in the video really struck a chord with me. I felt myself drawn to it and I wanted to be like those dancers. Meanwhile I got bullied at school. People called me a faggot, but I didn't even know what being gay meant. But every evening I was striking poses in my bedroom. I started reading about vogueing and about fashion, stealing Vogue magazine from the public library. Some time later I saw Truth or Dare. The "We're here, we're queer, get used to it" slogan made a deep impression. I felt connected to it, but still I couldn't understand why. The moment it hit me was when after the summer holidays I fell in love with a new boy in our class. It freaked me out. But then Madonna released Justify My Love and the video gave me a glimpse into another world and slowly my identity started taking shape. I wasn't afraid anymore. By the time Madonna released Erotica I was fully aware of my identity. Madonna's music and videos were a liberating force, helping me to figure myself out while there was no one I could talk to about my confusion. That's why she's a hero of mine. And while I'm also a fan of other music genres and other artists, Madonna will always be that one special artist who made my life easier in those days and the one artist who opened my eyes.
  14. Can we please give the butt talk a rest? When she performed at the Stonewall Inn last year everyone was already talking about it. Whether it's implants, injections or padding, it's her decision and hers alone. If we invest our time in accepting the way another person looks instead of judging the way they look then the world would be a much better place.
  15. Borderline Crazy For You Live To Tell Open Your Heart La Isla Bonita Bad Girl Rain Secret Take A Bow Frozen Drowned World The Power Of Good-Bye I Deserve It Don't Tell Me Nothing Fails Miles Away Falling Free Ghosttown Messiah Killers Who Are Partying Crazy I Rise
  16. If she can't perform the way she envisioned it because of her injuries, then yes, she should cancel the tour. I think Madonna wants go give it her all and not being able to do that must really frustrate her. After all, she is a perfectionist. We all would love to see Madonna perform live, but not at the expense of her health. I just feel sorry for her. This theater tour seemed such a great idea and reviews were excellent, but more and more tour dates kept being added and that just seems to take its toll. We just want her to feel better.
  17. Happy New Year everyone! May all your dreams come true!
  18. The 2012 MDNA Tour... Elton John again laid into Madonna, branding her a “nightmare” who dresses like a “fairground stripper”. He also said she had lost her credibility as an artist and claimed her MDNA tour had been a “disaster”. The MDNA Tour created immense success at the box office and many venues were instantly sold out. It was dubbed as the highest-grossing tour of 2012 by Billboard. The tour grossed $305.2 million from 88 sold-out shows, becoming the tenth highest-grossing tour of all time and surpassing Celine Dion's Taking Chances World Tour as the second highest-grossing tour among female artists, behind Madonna's own Sticky & Sweet Tour. Madonna broke the record for occupying the top two highest-grossing female tours of all time. Madonna accepted the Top Touring Artist of the year at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards, where she grumbled about the height of her mic: "They obviously think I’m shorter than I am, I’m not happy about that." Then she removes her sunglasses, uses Will.I.Am as her gofer and the crowd just loves it. If 2012 was a year in which people wondered if Madonna still mattered, then she showed everyone just how phenomenal she really is, taking her career to new heights. So 2012 is a year I really love, with Madonna showing everyone else how it's done.
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