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A. A. Aardvark

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by A. A. Aardvark

  1. Since 'lists' are de rigueur on here... I'm thinking of a Top Ten of 'hottest' photos.
  2. This radio 'thing' sounds l i k e Streaming but you don't pay for it. HOW's That going to work ?
  3. " they're only words, unless they're true " I can see a 'best of' her live showsand or possibly a Madam X remix package but ANOTHER 'Greatest Hits' I WANT her first album as a bunch of 12'' Singles...'in a box'...but what's the chances ?
  4. She's playing to her strengths. Vocally. The last time I heard her sing this good was some video where her and Donna Delory & Niki Harris [?] are warming up by singing Holiday as their about to go onstage. I've always preferred her more 'talky' numbers.
  5. Tell me when you realise that every Bond movie is exactly the same. A bit like Star Trek ones, they all have the one 'plot' too. Everything in Star Wars is 'borrowed' from better books and movies.
  6. "The most important person in a laboratory is not the chief scientist. It is the glass-blower."
  7. WOW = SOMEONE ELSE ! Someone called 'Madonna' went down a peg when She announced her next record would be, "ALL Hits, no Filler !" OK It was called 'Like A Virgin'. I beg your puddin' love but there's 'filler' on it. 'Dance 2night' is A HIT. Like the above it was written to be one. "They'd already sung on one single !".....was the best reason I found for it not being A Single. Comprende ? 'Sing Wingy' is genius.
  8. "A Real LIVE Theatre !" If 'Pump it with a Trumpet' can work, why the hell not Material Girl....or any
  9. I just mentioned Donna Summer on another page. On her CV quoted online, it says she's sung everything from Gospel to Rock. How many styles would you attribute Madge with ? It's kinda natural NOT to like everything by any artist. As for all that Mariah or, or, or who-this-week is shyte= isn't Madonna wonderful baloney I can't stand.
  10. These will be the same people who 'bought' Donna Summer's It's Only Love 'single' I worked on a train once selling crap to eat 'n' drink once long ago. By Law in the UK 'if' a train runs past it's allotted time people expect Something. Half an hour = it's a drink, an hour = it's a sandwich too. I only found out 'coz Some Angry Types started squawking after they were put off a train to let a freight one 'pass'. I g u e s s it might be similar for concerts....there must be some legal amount of time.....b4 you can say it's a no-show, literally ? I'm sure it IS 'technically' possible....
  11. Someone told her the type of songs for vinyl don't sell. The last few 'albums' have tried to predict what will Stream. She has moved further away musically from what a Madonna record is meant to sound like. Madam X is an attempt to find A New Market, hence all the 'it's Portuguese'....don't you get it....hype. All the remixes do is is hammer-on a '90's/''00's sound to make them more recognisably 'Madonna'. Kate Bush ? How long have you got ?? Like say The Cocteau Twins....Kate Bush can do NO WRONG to her devotees. Touring...sing 'live'.....who needs too....
  12. And a Pony too ! Is the regretting recording 'American Pie' comments at all true ? The stuff she did in her vinyl days were better Songs.
  13. I happen to love many of Tracy Young's mixes and everywhere I look people are raving, literally, over the Offer Nissim ones too. That the eventual Product was/is substandard is open to debate. Madonna would not have had any say how it looked or sounded if she was leaving the record label. There's always a Greatest Hits when people change labels 'n' contracts it seems.
  14. That was nothing to do with her and just a contract fulfilment 'album'.
  15. The Look of Love was played to death on Radio 1 in the UK. There was a time 'she' could do no wrong. Someone wrote into the BBC TV complaints show [Points Of View] to ask WHY Radio 1 were playing a record that wasn't in the Top 40 so much. Dear Jessie got 19 'plays' he said.....the boss of a factory where music was on all day.....and night. He gave up counting after that many. Madam X as A Remix Collection, I can see but not another Greatest Hits.
  16. Hi,
    Does anyone know of a mpeg4/apple lossless converter to flac/wav that actually works ? :angel:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Slightly complicated................but I've figured out a way.
      SwitchAudioFileConverter takes them from m4a to wav and then I converted to flac.
      They 'line-up' now :laughing:

    3. Vladimir Petkovic

      Vladimir Petkovic

      ok, cool. At least you've found a way :)

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      There's a whole bunch of Kylie I can only find as m4a or 'apple lossless'.
      They all say this on Spek but it's a flac at least now :)


  17. Like all the remixes it's an afterthought.
  18. SOME of her fans WANT a greatest hits tour.. Others WANT expanded deluxe CD/vinyl versions of previous albums. All the wishful thinking and hoping won't change 'wot' you-know-who has plans for.
  19. What is the point of saying anything, if you only want happy-clappy 'comments' ?? Madam X is not the direction I'd hoped she'd go in but I'm not Madonna. The song styles for vinyl are no longer considered 'pop' and her last couple of 'albums' have shown a little bit of difficulty in adapting to streaming. According to Some. Quiet at the back you for daring to suggest 't h e y' were Better Songs....that's how the $0ld regardless of 'format' ! She's done something different and for that I applaud her. I'm even starting to like the New Album, who knew.
  20. For Voguerista

    Madonna - Don't Stop (.p.m. extended nibble).wav 
    THIS really is loooonger :laughing:

    1. Voguerista


      Omg thank you. One of my most very faves! And yay now longer. Ha.  Thank you! Thank you!

    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Some have said this tunes kinda 'dull' or something but I can hear it on a 12'' Single.
      The groove is fantastic so I just made it loooonger.

    3. Voguerista
  21. Cuntery 'too'. Noun. cuntery (uncountable) (vulgar) The behaviour of a cunt. I paid £98 to see Christine & The Queens and the bitch baw-faced lied to everyone waiting after the gig. In the snow ! 99% all dyke too = WTF did she people were gonna do ? Chaka Khan was A Lot cheaper....but she did wander off stage twice for 10 minutes at a time. Mid-Song and her band hadn't a clue wot she was up to but covered up Really Well. HOW Much for Madge ? Not on this Earth.
  22. U wanna know 'who' I sung Power of Goodbye too ? He's dead now so it's OK too. Why bother if there never sung live ?? I don't think age has anything to do with material choices btw xx
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