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A. A. Aardvark

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by A. A. Aardvark

  1. Eu sou um grande fã de Madonna ?

  2. The answer is 'B.I.M' simply 'coz it's not A Song. I do think one person got the Lou Reed comparison....no really !
  3. NO ! I LOVE her MORE than YOU ! Give me a ticket ? Ray Of Light or Erotica - Part 2 won't be happening anytime soon ??
  4. Look what I found !
    It may not have as 'nice' a cover as the fake [?] French CDS but I'm guessing this Edit is Official ?
    For £20 not £150+++ !


    1. Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman
    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      There WAS a shop here that used to sell their CD's for mega-prices but they seem to sell everything on-line now.
      I'm sure this track [& it's edits ?] will have popped up elsewhere on these kind of promotional releases ?

  5. The Tour is For REAL real ? Well that does explain the Single Choices recently !
  6. And they sing A Supremes 'medley' and everyone explodes ? Gr8 idea though !
  7. We are never going to agree as those two are exception filler ! I half expected both to get an Official Remix and end up as B-Sides....
  8. I don't know. It goes Very 'Barry White' towards the end ?
  9. Hi, Are these the same track ? https://www.discogs.com/Madonna-Like-A-Prayer-Prince-Dub-Mix/release/11128737 https://www.discogs.com/Madonna-Like-A-Prayer/release/559443 The Dub Beats is a whole 7 seconds shorter ? Scrub Act Of Contrition and stick at least that mix [or any longer one ?] as a the final track ! Japanese Import of course.
  10. Why 'do' people make fake profiles on YouTube ? Is THIS finally it ?? The 'live version' of the first Single definitely 'sold it' ! In more than two-minds over the newest one if that was it. There was never any 'hmm' about her singles in the past ? They just went WHACK and resistance was futile. Any 'news' on Medellín Remixes or that not happening ?? http://stagedoor.fm/2019/05/02/hear-madonnas-new-single-i-rise/
  11. " Noticeable difference on the original 7" remix - at 3:20 the chorus is repeated. On the album version, it's just "la la la la la...".  "

  12. Uhm The Best Version of Angel & Dress You Up is the Extended Album Versions 'if' they exist. Into The Groove, it's the 12'' Version...on vinyl !
  13. U Win ! Someone has convince Her Madgeness that the kind of Song she did in the days of vinyl is past it these days. But still those kind have managed to get on her last couple of albums even if The Plan is to have the tuneless wonders that get Streamed now. Her Age has nothing to do with her having A Hit ever again. The newest effort is aimed at everyone but The Devoted and hopes to find a new audience altogether. Maybe now her Back Catalogue might get a re-think but I doubt it.
  14. Stick another 'Beautiful Stranger' in a movie or stick some of her songs in TV shows and why not ? Her newest single is aimed at a Latin Audience and seems to have worked...enough ?? The songs from her vinyl days were just stronger altogether.
  15. Blame 'Guy' ! Blame her Manager. Blame being 'forced' into Songwriting Camps. There's only one person to 'blame'...can you think who ? Kylie Minogue once said she probably got the same amount of things done 'with less noise' as Madonna. I didn't think she was saying anything else apart from the idea that Madonna does what Madonna wants ?
  16. The shit stirring is done by this woman. I'm sure everyone one here didn't think their comments were allowed to be quoted elsewhere ? Otherwise why is there a log-in ?? I'd hazard a guess that several who have said they HATED it still bought the thing ??? Saying Madge's latest offering didn't float your boat THAT Much is NOT the same as saying she's past it. Which this stupid and illogical 'article' does. WTF has Beyonce's success or not got to do with Madonna ? There's only one person who will be laughing at all of this and if they are A Member here = No you don't have permission to quote me !
  17. It's not the quoting that is the worst part. The whole tone of it is = "Look it's flopped = Madonna is shit any way = Isn't Beyonce Marvelous...and Popular !" It's petty and bitchy for no other reason to get the writer of it noticed.
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