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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. its all too weird. im not going to jump to conclusions here because i dont know the circumstances that made her think this is okay to do? i do wonder if she really got an antibodies test? those are hard to come by right now. its just weird how one day she posted about it and the very next day she was out partying. its like she was trying to get a free pass to go out. we dont know enough about the virus to know even if someone had it, if they cant get it again.
  2. honey, she's in new york. im mixed on all this. yes, its her life, and the virus isnt going away. we are all going to eventually get back out there, risking our lives. also, i think she lied about the antibodies test. its weird how one day she said she was tested for it, and the next day shes out partying. thats a hard test to come by right now. she gave herself a piss poor excuse to party with friends and will be shredded by the press. we still dont know if we cant get it again. maybe shes on the level, but the party seems pretty irresponsible.
  3. but is it considered "a single"? i ask because its only charting on the album charts on itunes. im curious if it sold enough, which official chart would it chart on being its an ep? by the way, i know it wont, just asking.
  4. yes im aware. i know it started because of the sale but its very rare for an itunes sale of a very old album to go number one. i cant think of an artist with an album not as well known (except with the fans) going number one. im still curious how many it sold to get number one.
  5. dont really agree. it went number 1 in various countries when it wasnt as cheap in the USA. Still her albums were on sale many times before and it never went number 1. i can see a sale maybe making a jumo into the top 200 but not to number 1 without some work from a viral campaign. fans went to work here. be proud that sometimes fans can make a difference.
  6. i enjoy it. shes hardly a great guitar player but it shows how versatile she is.
  7. yes. thanks. i didnt recall her name but i remember reading about a stylist early on that helped her with that early look.
  8. she looked great then. the 80s had many artists who over did it. not that it was necessarily bad, but Madonna still looked like a normal gal back then. though i thought she had a stylist or manager who helped her with that look early on? the look was already trending before Madonna. See Pat Benatars early videos. Madonna just made it more popular than ever.
  9. im just happy she's still healthy. chances are many of us may have had the virus already and not known it. this is why i feel its important we still be cautious because even if we dont show symptoms or get sick, doesnt mean we cant give it to someone who could get sick.
  10. love seeing how many of her albums are getting so much love. it always bothered me to see some artists who have older albums constantly in the charts, but rarely from Madonna. however it started, im glad it did. the new IDSIF ep in the USA is getting more love than any remixes from this past era. im curious to know how much Bedtime Stories sold to chart #1. i know some claim; doesnt take very much, but im not sure. i knew today her albums would get a bump with new albums being released. im sure Kenny Chesney album is based mostly on preorders at this point. hes country, and its a popular genre in the USA.
  11. this would be a great time for her to make some nostalgic posts on social media. American Life is approaching top 10 in USA itunes chart.
  12. a twitter post probably posted by her team and a image in her IG story.
  13. not sure that just offering a thanks to fans is "celebrating this as if it is groundbreaking". im sure like many fans, Madonna didnt expect to see Bedtimes Stories to go #1 after all these years. yes, its just itunes but its not like its a small platform where music is sold and streamed.
  14. i didnt realize it was discounted to 4.99, and all of sudden saw #justiceforbedtimestories yesterday. i was confused what was going on, simple as that. when i saw a huge jump and commented earlier in this thread, i thought it was an odd album to suddenly spike. not taking it literally. just didnt understand what was going on. im all for whats going on. im glad to see it reaching #1. yeah!
  15. no argument. i listen to it a lot. just curious why that album of all her others is charting so high? just checked and its at #4 currently on the U.S itunes 200 albums.
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