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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. but most are anyway. its just some complain no matter what. i never expected this to be professionally filmed. its a nice surprise. i never expect every performance she does is filmed. this is one of those times i thought was exclusive for the event. its not pro footage. too shaky. im sure its just footage from someone filming who is half-way decent at filming. im sure this is the best theyve got.
  2. the article stated that the hackers claimed someone from Donald Trumps camp paid them off for the data they had. could be a lie but i suspect his team would have to admit such but i doubt they will. its horrible what they are doing. i would hope madonna wont pay them off but im sure a lot of personal information would be revealed, not just her but other people she did business with.
  3. love the song. probably more than when i used to wear out my True Blue album. not sure i agree it is single worthy though. great song though.
  4. love la isla is getting so much attention. thanks for the updates.
  5. exactly. for me it worked for Rhythm Nation and Velvet Rope, but it seemed to become just part of her shtick with the rest of the albums. sometimes it got redundant as a number of the albums had similar interludes. if i hear one more interlude or song with her moaning, simulating sex im going to gag. lol. i love her though. i just dont feel like she evolved much with her albums over the years.
  6. loving every minute of it. thank you for doing this. your videos are a great source for anyone wanting to get to know Madonna as an artist.
  7. it would work if it was a major concept album. for example, Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation album is perfect with the interludes. though her follow up albums weren't very effective except maybe Velvet Rope. just a note; im not suggesting that Madonna copy Janet. just pointing out how interludes can be effective in an album. im sure there are other ways to make it really effective than the way i described. i feel that Erotica probably could be the only album to pull off interludes.
  8. And the money keeps rolling in from evita.
  9. You are the one - from the Rain Tapes.
  10. another good point. it seems to bring something back when i first discovered her. i think we all yearn for the past from time to time.
  11. thank you. in the end, you should delete it. such personal info can be used to steal identity and ruin someone financially.
  12. his genuine popularity and bank book definitely differs.
  13. well we know some fans like to point out the negative more than the positive.
  14. yes, i was concerned when i saw that picture of her hip. she should have cancelled her tour earlier on when she discovered it. she was a trooper to stick to the tour as much as she could, but she risked permanent damage now. with this stem cell treatment, the hope is to regrow what is lost. but for it to completely heal or grow to what it was before probably is unlikely. she will forever have issues. a prosthesis will most likely be the next step. i have to wonder about her knee as well? i have a feeling its going to be a few years before she goes on tour again. even then, i am not sure she will be able to do a lot of movement on tour in the same way as she has. the upside, the road to recovery and the process could be a good story for her to go into the next music era. she may be able to bring some positive light to stem cell regeneration if it goes well.
  15. im no expert, but from what ive read and heard, the effectiveness for the treatment is high. most data has shown an 80 - 90% success rate. side effects of conditioning may include mouth sores, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, dry mouth, hair loss, rashes and breathing problems. loss of vision, infections, cardiovascular complications, cancer and death are worse scenarios. stem cells survive much longer than ordinary cells, increasing the chance that they might accumulate genetic mutations. it might take only a few mutations for one cell to lose control over its self-renewal and growth and become the source of cancer. im sure Madonna has done her research. its expensive. it can cost up to $50,000.
  16. some of the most popular and loved songs in history are quite simple and made up of simple rhymes. like the earlier poster pointed out, this is subjective to the listener. some of Madonna's most popular songs had simple words and rhymes.
  17. seems pretty cut and dry. shes using stem cell replacement to heal her injury. stem cell transplantation, sometimes referred to as bone marrow transplant, is a procedure in which a patient receives healthy stem cells to replace damaged stem cells. Before the procedure, the patient receives high doses of chemotherapy, and sometimes radiation therapy, to prepare the body for transplantation. i believe weve seen her do some chemotherapy in some of her past instagram posts.
  18. maybe so. its possible that its something she didnt really think of. i dont think anyone of us can say either way. But I agree that there is a bit of a mythology to her becoming famous, like the $35 story but then again the point was that she came to NYC with very little money in her pocket which is most likely true.
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