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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by androiduser

  1. gurrrrrl.... he said it to discredit the group and make their #1 less significant... it happens every time someone charts higher than Madonna, or wins and award or something like that... and then suddenly none of that matters... unless she's #1
  2. it's the UK chart, no need for you to know. Just like, I dunno, Banda Eva didn't make it to the UK chart
  3. she already uSeD MaDoNna!!! no need for any other promo... she USED MADONNA... USED her, do you hear me??!
  4. #2 is great, I didn't expect it would do that well, any placement in the top5 or even top10 is great. That said, I love how people here discredit the #1 because it's an "unknown" "local group" with multiple formats, but a #2 by the biggest selling female artist of all times and the biggest female star of all times is somehow a magnificent feat Gotta love double standards
  5. well... sort of, but Beyonce is having a new peak now, her team would probably want to focus on more successful shows. No reason for her to appear on the show with so many second rate stars.
  6. I doubt Beyonce would bother with the VMA's, they have abysmal ratings.... the last year's show had 3 million viewers in total (only 0.9 MTV viewers), less than half of the previous year (6.4 in total).
  7. I doubt this is true... following the pattern of a biopic increasing the interest in the subject's music, I think it would be better for the tour to coincide with the movie's release if it ends up being made
  8. Does anyone remember the story about the neighbor crying next door while they were recording Hung Up and the sound being audible in the track?
  9. in the end we can compare Material Gwurrrl and The Queens Remix numbers and see how man streams Madonna brings to the table.
  10. it's a BEYONCE release.... of course it's all done as a part of her promo.... the mere idea that some Madonna fans need to point out that the remix of a Beyonce song is helping Beyonce is ridiculous... Not to mention that the remix has new lyrics, Bey fans flocked to download something new.
  11. Yes, and Madonna's name is both in the song and in the performer credit.
  12. the remix has definitely helped, but we'd need a breakdown of how much the original sold and how much the remix sold....
  13. Madonna has been flying commercial for quite a long time now, right? We've been seeing photos of her from the airports with the rest of the travelers for years, it must be over a decade now? I don't remember the last time we've heard about her taking a private jet.
  14. I think this is intentional, it's supposed to sound like a bootleg mix being played in a ballroom in the 90's
  15. what you are forgetting is that a huge number of people are racist and won't support a black artist, something Madonna never had to deal with... everyone fights their battles that others didn't have to face.
  16. of course, the most successful female performer of all times has done terribly with the general public, and has only succeeded thanks to the hardcore REAL fans and brilliant songs such as Like Prayer and Material Gwurrrlllll. Beyonce, on the other hand, has done well thanks to using Madonna.
  17. well of course everything is released to promote the new music and result in better sales, but if she wanted to "use" someone, it would have made more sense to "use" an artist who gets more attention from the general public, the interest in Madonna is not the strongest right now. I still think it's a genuine tribute to Madonna and the ballroom scene, and since the remix was so good, it was made available commercially.
  18. Beyoncé has already done a lot by releasing the song... there is no need to push the remix if the original is doing so well already on its own... and how is she "using" Madonna if it barely had any effect outside the small fanbase? Not much "use" then, is there? The original already hit #1 without Madonna being "used". Funny how Beyoncé is "using" Madonna for a remix, but Madonna is "helping" by featuring stars in her lead singles.
  19. she's also been irritating people by being late on stage.... how's that for a statement
  20. I don't think she wanted to fix them, I remember a press conference (Ray of Light in Sweden maybe?) and there was a question about the gap and she was against people fixing it (if I remember correctly, because it's a sign of intelligence? LOL). But maybe she needed to correct the teeth in the back and the gap was affected... mine disappeared when my wisdom tooth started growing in the wrong direction.
  21. maybe the other teeth pushed the front teeth closer with age, it happened to me when I was 32 or something like that, I had a gap just like M and now it's barely visible
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