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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by androiduser

  1. One show in Rome was cancelled due to low sales influenced/caused by the Vatican calling for a boycott. The first show went on as planned. Here we can see the preview of what we can expect from the biopic.
  2. still to this day I think "Nothing Fails" (as the lead or second single) is the biggest missed opportunity of Madonna's career.
  3. I'll be a child.... if they're beaten up by a pop star....
  4. good, so now we know who insisted on the awful wig... the number one problem with Madonna and acting is that she never wanted to understand that: a) the character is a completely different person b) her status in the music industry doesn't carry the same weight in the movie industry c) actors are hired to present the director's vision, not the other way around
  5. you want to see quotes that were never made? How many quotes can you find describing Madonna as nice, polite, pleasant, friendly?
  6. He's been talking about M quite a lot over the years and it's always something negative. He probably holds a grudge because she ignored him, but he's not the first person to say M is rude and that she can be mean to people. Even the people who love her rarely say she's a nice person. So this is probably a case of two egos colliding.
  7. I'm sorry to say, but that's because she's been even more of a trainwerck since then, so in comparison, Pride 2021 looks better than it did back then
  8. that's a good idea, she could trim the bushes with her grills and claim she's fighting the garden patriarchy....
  9. that was never really happening, it was just wishful thinking by the fans and Madonna herself.... Tarantino doesn't direct videos
  10. here is Goldie Hawn talking about Chicago, she doesn't talk about Madonna, but she explains why the movie didn't happen..
  11. I was 17 when ROL came out and when I heard the title Veronica Electronica I was sooooo upset she didn't name the whole album that
  12. love the vocals and the dance moves, the energy is insane. always hated the hair and the bustier.
  13. I just remembered The Tulse Luper Suitcases, there was quite a lot of buzz about the project and in the end Madonna didn't participate, and even though the movie/series was made I don't think it lived up to its hype. I think fans are most upset about Chicago, but from what I understood from the Goldie Hawn interview, it was a completely different movie than the one that ended up being made. Madonna was also in talk to star in Boxing Helena, a major 90's flop, so luckily she dodged a bullet. She left Music of the Heart (then known as Fiddlefest, I believe?) due to creative differences with Wes Craven. What else do we remember?
  14. not saying it was done on purpose, but by working with the same producers, Madonna got a very similar sound. Whereas, by working with Orbit, No Doubt didn't get a Madonna sound.
  15. if she wasn't blond, the Madonna connection wouldn't even be mentioned... please find lyrics, melodies, production etc that sound so similar to Madonna? Whereas you can find the similarities in Madonna's work with the same producers (because they actually produced the music for both ladies themselves, the co-production credit being an ego trip)
  16. I'm not from NY but I was active on M forums at that time and I don't remember any disappointment
  17. and if it's a disaster, no matter how bad -- many fans will claim otherwise and remind us to "take into consideration" this or that... the broken hip, the divorce, the charity, the ageism.....
  18. because we see blurry paparazzi photos, the face covered by huge sunglasses, edited instagram posts etc... Fans then select the best photos and disregard bad ones as "bad angles".... and in public appearances with see full HD from all angles
  19. not sure if this has anything to do with Spotify or anything, but I've been hearing a lot more Madonna songs in malls, bars, supermarkets etc, and it's mostly some random album tracks you wouldn't even expect at a Madonna party.
  20. in the instagram video M couldn't even lipsync to her own lyrics in Portuguese .... take that as you will.
  21. the same way gold-diggers have feelings for millionaires, and millionaires have feelings for beautiful young women... not that either is wrong.
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