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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by androiduser

  1. Madonna can definitely do another successful tour, but it would be great to do it after taking some time to repair her brand and then focus on performances that she pull off successfully. Some choreographed movements without heavy dancing would be the best route.
  2. I'd love to have seen her in person backstage at Blond Ambition in the Express Yourself costume, walking to the stage
  3. I doubt that Madonna would be on the cover of US Vogue multiple times and at the MET Gala so many times and then be denied shooting some youtube video.
  4. not excited about this at all... Drew's show is just giggling and getting excited about everything and fawning over everyone.
  5. of course, Madonna's number one problem with movies is that she never really understood how the movie industry works and that rules from the music industry don't apply in film making .. and that her status in the music industry didn't mean much in the movie industry so micromanaging everything wasn't an option, and she was just an actress hired for the role, not the producer or the director.
  6. Legendary out director John Schlesinger, who died in 2003, blamed Madonna's prima donna behavior on the set of his final film, The Next Best Thing, for his 1999 heart attack. The New York Daily News quotes a letter written by the hospitalized filmmaker to his agent in which Schlesinger writes, "I am fucking angry with [producer] Tom [Rosenberg] being influenced by Madonna. I do not for one moment think that their behavior has not added to the reasons I have ended up here." Another Schlesinger memo said that Madonna wanted producers to use postproduction computer imaging to "beautify" her in 34 separate shots. The director also said that Madonna lobbied to have a key scene removed because she felt it was too "gay," much to Schlesinger's disgust. Madonna's publicist Liz Rosenberg told The [London] Daily Telegraph that she was surprised by Schlesinger's allegations, adding, "No one has ever questioned her level of professional behavior."
  7. "it was just days after the death of Judy Garland. I had met Judy on Broadway where she gave me a nickname, she called me Madame X Dita Evita. I told her about the article I had read on the life of Eva Peron, and she was mesmerized by the story, and told me I had the spunk to play Eva one day."
  8. The Stonewall Inn? hope there is no rewriting of history....
  9. In the live version (even if the chorus is mimed) you can clearly see her mouth the "F" sound and in this one the "f" sounds is audible This is just another fan theory that has developed over the years to make up additional praise for a failed single
  10. to me it doesn't sound like Madonna at all, unless the vocals are distorted
  11. sure, it can be done on the phone, but it's more precise on the computer and his final product is quite precise in high resolution
  12. The turning point for straight men was probably sometime around Express Yourself when Madonna solidified her image as a woman who is in charge of her sexuality. Even if it was all ironic, in the first few years she could definitely pass for a sex kitten, it all just had an ironic subtext that most people probably didn't notice anyway. In the True Blue era she already flirted with the stronger image, but it was all still relatively heteronormative. After Express Yourself things were never the same again, and then Vogue and Blond Ambition solidified the image Madonna had created. But as silly as it is, I understand it, most heterosexual people are just attracted to different things than gay people, it's a different culture, a different lifestyle, especially at the height of the AIDS era. It would be like scoffing at the fact that gay people related to Madonna and didn't relate to, I dunno, Carlos Santana. Straight women were more accepting, but a lot of them probably disliked Madonna because she was "crude" or "vulgar" or just overall sexual. But I still think that without the heterosexual audience, Madonna wouldn't have achieved her success, it's just that they were casual fans buying her records without thinking beyond the music and the videos.
  13. posts on Instagram look better if they are edited in high resolution and then uploaded in optimal Instagram resolution.
  14. I edit fashion photography, and from his work I've seen in high resolution, it's Photoshop, skin is completely smoothed out, and then some noise is added to compensate for the loss of skin texture
  15. I would much more prefer for the movie to end with a career achievement (but not something as shallow as an award... maybe with a concert performance) because I think it would be better to focus the ending on Madonna the artist than something as sappy as charity work, it's not a Hallmark movie.
  16. I really like this, I wish M's collaborations sounded more like this and less like the Frozen remixes
  17. have you noticed that renowned photographers don't do many photoshoots with Madonna any more? My guess is they don't fit the overedited filtered aesthetics
  18. Madonna has always been different from everyone and she was doing the opposite of what was expected... but it was always supported by amazing art, brilliant music and innovative videos, tours, projects... the problem is that nowadays she is different and rebellious for the sake of it, without being backed by anything creative. Making Erotica and the SEX book, and showing your ass on Instagram is not the same thing.
  19. this notion that Madonna can have huge hits again but somehow she doesn't want to is getting really odd... She's tried everything already, she just never matched it to a great song...
  20. whenever we have these megarates, the biggest missed opportunity always rises to the top
  21. nothing better than plastic surgery making an appearance in a period piece
  22. and why is your country the standard to measure someone's popularity? maybe he just didn't care enough to promote there because he was busy elsewhere? I mean, sure, overall Madonna is a bigger star and her controversies make headlines, but dismissing Elton John's legendary success is ridiculous. He is smashing it at the age of 75. Don't know how many male or female artists can do that.
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