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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by androiduser

  1. this would definitely be a major controversy, the racist conservatives would have a field day with this! they have been making jokes about white characters changing race in the movie version, and now they would have the final proof they were right all along.... when in reality, the opposite has been true for decades.
  2. would a live DVD compilation even be possible, with all the different TV networks that own the footage rights? I don't think Madonna owns the rights to the footage of her TV performances
  3. but.... if it was about the charity, wouldn't it make more sense to sell one of her Picasso paintings? Or donate her music catalog? this is like the proceedings of the awful "Hey You" going to a charity.... why not "Hung Up"?
  4. so was Harvey Weinstein and yet Madonna was friends with him when he was supporting her movie career. Then we were justifying her by saying "she didn't know", and then when she said she knew, we flipped the story around
  5. well, to be honest, trans women were also vogueing, and they are "the girls" too.
  6. well, if the plot continues all the way into the 2020s....
  7. How does Madonna or her team decide when to make a change all of a sudden and lip sync only some parts of a song? I understand about the high notes and difficult parts, but how do they make all the random changes? Does the audio team hear that she's rough in the same parts and decides to mask it with the recorded track, or what?
  8. I love how some fans here modify their opinions based on what Madonna does or says...
  9. has there been any genuine controversy over this, or are M fans, as usual, trying to overblow the whole thing to make it seem like Madonna is as relevant as she was in the 90's?
  10. 1998 VMAs was the first time I was genuinely shocked by her vocals
  11. Definitely, Live To Tell sounds really dramatic... Blond Ambition is very Madonna in the best way possible, and it's a phrase that's always been associated with her, but hasn't been overused like Material Girl
  12. I hope so, the movie needs a memorable, albeit expected title... Not something sappy like Live to Tell
  13. I think the old mixes are completely reasonable, it needs to be something the general public will enjoy, not just die hard fans.... can you imagine buying an album by an artist you like but don't really know in the most detailed way, and out turns out to be 50 mixes that are completely different from the hits you know and expect...? I think this is a very reasonable track list.
  14. ROL, Music and Confessions most certainly had the strongest promos and campaigns. It is difficult to judge how the promo was handled in the 80's because Madonna did so few performances and interviews then, but I guess she didn't need more with the hype of MTV as a promo outlet at that time.
  15. so in that case, she can play the part of Carlos Leon
  16. that's what I was wondering too, in the last few years... her whole body has changed drastically, but the neck has completely disappeared.
  17. it does sound like it, but it could also just be another Gaultier look on somebody else, teasing the MET Gala in general
  18. what if she is the person that God is continuously using to hurt people until they become strong enough to let her go?
  19. what is the remixes have yielded a lot of streaming because Madonna is only featuring on the song and people actually prefer hearing less of her?
  20. unrelated to Express Yourself, but has Grey's nose job really ruined her career because she became unrecognizable? Or was her career in the pits anyway at that point?
  21. well if she is renting it to live there, then she would have a landlord
  22. has she ever spent any time there, or was int just an investment?
  23. I understood this as anniversaries of Madonna's own releases
  24. Wasn't there a police officer who described her as a barely recognizable after the abuse happened?
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