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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by null

  1. But for real though,I will not tolerate bullshit.

    1. Fighter


      me neither bruh me neither

  2. I think Don't Tell Me's B-roll might be the next to leak possibly. There are images a member on here has used as icons.

    1. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      It may be just a picture. The next one it's LIB tho

    2. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      We have two snippets from La Isla and none from Don't Tell Me.

    3. Dazedmadonna


      No, Don't tell me isn't close to leak because it's hoarded, like a lot. LIB is definetely next, if not JML MDNA or NKM MDNA or some parts of TUTR.

  3. I still wish the full 4 Minutes backdrop from the Hard Candy Promo Tour or the Sticky and Sweet Tour would leak.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ingridcasares


      I'm still waiting for the damn rit bedtime story backdrop in HD.

    3. Angelo


      All backdrops

    4. Fighter


      any backdrop from re-invention tour in hd :heart:

  4. I wouldn't honestly hold out hope that anything will leak anytime soon. You never know if the B-rolls for Vogue & Rain will be the only thing to leak for a while and we get nothing the whole month of August.

  5. Well besides inviting other artists to join her onstage and not butcher her classics,I'd like to see her perform songs she typically never performs. I'd like to see Rain and Justify My Love make comebacks as performances not as interludes.
  6. Just finished my Rain album version music video. So excited to upload it.

    1. devilpray


      omg i wanna see it

    2. devilpray


      great! cant wait

  7. I just have to reiterate how great July 24th was for me. Janet's No Sleeep video came out,Vogue's B-roll footage leaked,Michael's Seeing Voices leaked,and I had Little Caesar's pizza. It was the greatest single day of my human existence so far.

  8. Posted Image
    1. Fighter


      hell yeah i will stay mad

  9. All I need is fried chicken and dick and I'm good.

    1. Andymad


      story of my life.

  10. I'm a multimedia moderator now yaaaasss.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. devilpray


      cmon promotion! congratssssssss

    3. devilpray


      can we still talk to you now that youre forum famous?

    4. MeantToBeIconic


      I did. But then again, that was ME,not YOU

  11. I don't think Ray Of Light's B-roll is even available to the trader's circle because I've never seen a clean,unedited snippet of it before.

    1. IconicRebel


      I would love to see the club scenes in full omg

  12. This boredom is killing me.

    1. Fighter


      are you still lurking omg

  13. I'm in love with a user and their name is MadonnasVersace. <3

  14. I already did a Vogue remix video with the B-roll footage lol.



      Which remix did you used? I hope it's the Bit Error one



      An hour?!? You sure are excited

  15. I wanna cry right now. Now if the Rain B-roll leaks tonight too I will probably have a heart attack,.

  16. When in the world was Devil Pray confirmed as the next single?
  17. When was Devil Pray confirmed as the next single? What did I miss?

    1. devilpray


      im not single

    2. MeantToBeIconic




      This is what keeps me coming back to this forum.

  18. I've never seen it but I read the synopsis on Wikipedia. Probably the most disturbing movie plot I've ever read.
  19. Where the speech at the beginning of What It Feels Like For A Girl came from.
  20. Does anyone else feel that Madonna was persuaded by her management to pull the original American Life video?

    1. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      It is a country full of patriots (ew), she knew that if she took a side there, a side that most Americans weren't at the time, she would have to deal with boycott. Anyway I wish she stood up like the Dixie Chicks. I don't understand how people love a country that finances the war, created ISIS provides weapons for them.Anyway she still struggling to have a hit in US

    2. madgefan


      I've never thought about management persuasion

  21. The way I see it is that you're an unreliable troll attempting to get a hit thread. Get the fuck up outta here.

    1. Fighter


      stop sassing everyone omgggg

  22. "My sources say..." What are your sources,sis?
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