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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by null

  1. That is fantastic artwork! I hope Guy & Madonna see this and hire you for artwork.
  2. They must have taken notes from Michael Jackson's DVD of Dangerous Tour Bucharest 1992. That had an insane amount of crowd shots in that DVD.
  3. I don't know why I cry But I think it's cause I remembered for the first time Since I hated you That I used to love you

  4. I just got done ordering my family's Christmas presents.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. null


      @storm Not shoes lmfao.

      @Stevie well get on it! Lol.

    3. stormbringer


      I'm not buying Madonna anything this year, she forgot my birthday the betch.

    4. Stevo


      @loveless - I swear there's a huge prank being played on me and there's actually a month still to go before Xmas.

      @stormbringer - you didn't get her hydrangeas for her birthday did you? Otherwise I'm sure she'd have got you something LOL

  5. SoundCloud is more sensitive and butthurt about copyright than YouTube is like what the literal fuck.

  6. Can someone combine all the new footage from the Sorry early cuts into one video? Like all the clips from the music video obviously.

  7. Let's praise the good Lord that Donald Trump disqualified his sorry ass from Presidency.

  8. I wish the backdrop of Just Give Me A Reason by Pink from the Truth About Love Tour would leak.

  9. The Grammy's are an absolute joke now. They give out nominations to any Joe Blow now. There are only few artists left deserving of Grammy's.
  10. I mean if the shoe fits wear it.

  11. I wish Madonna would make an appearance on Debi Mazar's cooking show. I know she'd never do it but the thought of it sounds nice.

    1. stormbringer


      As long as M didn't have to actually cook, I've a feeling she'd be hilariously inept

  12. New sig and icon set. Enjoy.

    1. Stevo


      Niiiiiiiiiice! :-D

    2. MadonnaLove


      very bad choice!

  13. All I know is it was thirty years ago and if Madonna moved on we should too. It's here nor there anymore and there's no sense in starting petty arguments over spilled milk. We're not even sure it actually happened,as the police have never gone on the news to say that Madonna was actually abused by Sean. It would've been headline news if it were actually true. Not that I'm denying that it happened,nor am I defending anyone's actions or saying said actions were justified. It's just my opinion.
  14. But who has that Future Lovers 79 minute footage tho? Where u @?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. madgefan


      Loveless I think you've got an issue with leakage lol

    3. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      NKM and JML are HD tho, we need more lol

    4. null


      Well then why isn't it leaking if it's that shitty of quality? Smh. xD

  15. Posted Image
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Angelo


      calm down..he only said that he hate cats...he didn't say that he wants to kill them all o.O

    3. stormbringer


      I can't love something that kills for fun, and that goes for humans too

    4. Rupert76


      The cat kills its prey by instinct, not for fun. If instinct is a fault... maybe you should 'complain' about this with who created us (assuming that someone has created us...)

      The 'human' being, on the contrary, likes hunting and fishing, and just for sport and 'fun' ...

      For coherence, you should hate the 'human' being

  16. I don't think any more leaks will be happening until Friday December 25th.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MeantToBeIconic


      That's ok. I like a surprise on my Christmas, anyway!


    3. Andymad


      last christmas was wonderful! woke up toExpress Yourself MDNA tour studio :)

    4. MerBoy13


      Fingers crossed then 😊
  17. You know your friend runs the risk of getting sued by Madonna and Warner Bros. right?
  18. I wish some Spice Girls leaks would happen. Like Spiceworld Tour concerts that are still unleaked,especially a center screen concert in full.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fighter


      a full WIP of the third album

    3. addictedsober


      the ROTSG tour in HD that was streamed and captured by some nerds... WE NOW ITS OUT THERE!

    4. addictedsober
  19. I've just become too desperate for Madonna B-roll footage. It's sucking the life out of me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord X

      Lord X

      I just want more tour content for mdna! :(

    3. wtg1987


      I soooooo want bedtime story b-roll now :((( where is that still from ?

    4. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      I hope we'll see the NKM backdrop b-roll in the future :D

  20. People should know that I'm no longer a staff member. I just haven't been reverted back yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fighter


      thanks for letting us know i guessssss

    3. MeantToBeIconic


      Oh no, what happened?

    4. madgefan


      being a mod is fun the first couple of months til it turns a total nightmare lol

  21. #everythingsboundtoleak

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sbrombolessio


      Sooner or later😉

    3. sbrombolessio


      Sooner or later😉

    4. Lord X

      Lord X

      #ItAlwaysDoes haha

  22. Sending prayers out to Paris and those who tragically lost their lives today. Reposez en paix.

    1. Breathless


      It's terrible what happened - it never ends. :(

  23. You pushed me past the point of breaking. What is it making out of me?

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