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Crazy For M

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  1. He's an Aquarius EDIT: sorry, just noticed that someone has already answered, lol
  2. Still no scan for mine to say it has been picked up so I don't know where it is [emoji30] EDIT: it has been scanned! Phew. I knew it would show as soon as I posted, lol
  3. My lithograph has also been dispatched. And the tshirt I originally ordered and was then refunded because of their mistake, has randomly arrived! Hahaha
  4. Her NYC home. She's taken pics in the same spot a few times.
  5. Confused... Does he not know that most of M's fans are older than he is? [emoji848] I dislike that he brags a lot, and I've noticed that he loves to show off M's wealth, which isn't really something she does herself (when compared to other celebrities). We see her wealth, but she's not actually saying "Look at how rich I am!". Sometimes he gets it right with his pictures - as seen in the latest shoot, but I wish that M could see that she needs to ditch him already.
  6. UK store -.- This is ridiculous. I need this to arrive asap as I may be moving and I'd rather it arrived before then.
  7. Awesome! Hopefully the litho isn't too far behind
  8. Ugh, I saw this all over the place during covid, and M wasn't the only celebrity who had similar rumours. It was horrible to read and loads of crazy people (still) believe it 😩
  9. Ah, ok what I will add is: I'm not saying you and others don't worship or support her. I'm well aware of that. I've not been on this forum long, but I have been a fan since ROL. Ricardo's photoshop skills are awful, I know, I've said before, and I wasn't only looking for posts about how pretty she is, etc. It is a bad edit, yes. I did wonder how something so obvious was missed. It looks the smudge tool was used badly, to me. My comment was focused on the mocking of women's body parts. It went too far and there was no need for it. Women are continuously mocked and I'm tired of it. I'm really not one to comment on things like this, (believe me, I'm the quietest person you'd ever meet - and I'm not awful I promise. I know you're all not either). But I had to stand up for my fellow women. I have learnt so much from Madonna about being a woman and what I should not be ashamed about (forever grateful for her Erotica era) but it's not nice to see fans I've been communicating with for months, not respect something that she is, or (take some comments too far). That's all. I do accept your apology, of course. I have enjoyed your posts, especially during the tour 🙂
  10. Baby's first bit of press 🩷 She was born to be a star! Haha
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