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Rays Of Light
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  1. The grillz just fit the look of the video and the world in which it takes place. I like it.
  2. Have we really reached a time where people think it is wrong to pay for music? Do we really believe we are so self-entitled that everything should be handed to us for free? Artists only make money off of shows now because no one has figured out a way to steal THAT yet. If I'm making a living off of my paintings, and every time I finish one, does that mean someone can come into my studio and steal them, just because they feel they shouldn't have to pay for them? The Internet had made thieves and self-righteous bitches out of all of us. And I will pay for quality content. MP3's are the cheap beer to the fine wine that is proper WAV music.
  3. Very cool!For American Life, you should just use the red lines she has across her eye on the album cover.Or use the image of a dog tag.
  4. What the hell is with all the panic?The album's been out for a week. Lol!!Longevity, anyone?
  5. Where can we watch this?Youtube?None of these links work for me.
  6. Im loving this track more and more. Especially after watching her perform it live.Is it just me or is there a tiny glitch at 1:56 on the track?
  7. Can Ijust say how I adore this album?!It gets better and better with every listen.There is sass, there is class.There's rebellion, and heartbreak; attitude and sensitivity; intelligence and emotion.Madonna gets it. She just gets it.Too bad not everyone does.They will though. In the endPeople appreciated Erotica 20 years after its release.Thank you for another brilliant album!
  8. And he continues to do so because it garners him attention, something people here are providing him with.You cant say you dont understand why the fire wont go out when you keep tossing gasoline on top of it.
  9. Why?To fuel more hatred.So much for living for love.People like him need to be ignored, as they crave the attention you now draw to them.And they also require compassion because they do not know better.
  10. Please someone close this.What the hell?
  11. Really? There's a thread dedicated to this?!?!
  12. Whats the difference between Album version and Single version?
  13. Iconic, Hold Tight, Joan of Arc are available in WAV at Beatport.
  14. Radio no longer determines success.And I think it is having a mild freakout because it's realising that it matters less and less. LolMadonna too old for radio? I think radio is doing a bit of projection as IT is old.Do teens and young adults really listen to radio anyway?Besides, you know what's old? Bringing up Madonna's age and using it as an excuse to keep the world from great music.
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