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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Andymad

  1. Express Yourself acapella is on my mind... like. plew, big time...

  2. "And it goes a little something like this"...cringe.

  3. THANK YOU for the lovely uploads guys :)..... Patiently waiting for EY acapella xoxoxo

  4. Can someone re-up the EY filtered acapella pretty please? xoxoxo

  5. Um..anyone know how to make a great cone bra?

  6. Happy Birthday Madge....you little shit.

  7. You'll do much better baby on your own...

  8. Anyone have a EY Truth or dare centre channel? Or close to it?

    1. Andymad


      Or, Express Yourself acapella? Many online hugs and kisses for that...

  9. C'mon Express Yourself acapella! "Maybe you're the next best thing to happen..."

  10. A general HUGE thank you to everyone who posts the things we want to see/hear. Haven't gotten around to it all, but it's just great that people are helping out. Thanks guys :) xoxoxo

  11. Revisiting Ghosttown with Taylor Swift...such a great performance.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fighter


      one of her best in recent years

    3. stormbringer


      she can hit the low notes bang on but the high's are always a touch uncontrolled. her LFL performances have been stunning though

    4. Fighter


      ^vocally the lfl brits was pretty good

  12. Express Yourself acapella is on my mind... with backing vocals... so I can make the ultimate blond ambition tour studio version. gagging

    1. madgefan


      whenever people use the word gagging I think of a very specific thing, I can't help it LOL

    2. Fighter


      its time for EY acapella to leak :(

    3. Andymad


      Yes. Yes. And yes. To answer all those comments. Hahaha

  13. Alright, it is about time someone posts Blond Ambition New Jersey pro recording... just saying... please...?

    1. MattyMads


      It is out there I doubt it will leak though due to the cost of buying one.

    2. Andymad


      I would be happy if just Express Yourself was leaked. That's all I need haha

  14. Wtf is happening??!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fighter


      our daily spam sis

    3. Andymad


      Eat that, spam! :)

    4. Fighter


      thankfully we almost always catch it right away lol. idk whats happening with it tho, why so much spam...

  15. what in god's name is going on over at mchileforo? it's flooded with crap!

    1. danrom


      and mods are disapeared, don´t do anything

    2. Andymad


      man... so freaking weird. guess it's a goner...

  16. I think I'm ready for the Express Yourself & Into the Groove stems...please?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Winn


      I hear you, fam. They can be used for a desperately needed Express Yourself updated remix!

    3. stormbringer


      I'm ready for Dear Jessie and I'm Going Banana's stems

    4. Fighter


      ready for shoobydoboodyby or whtaever the fuck


  17. ummmm... mega files aren't working... ppl?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andymad


      The living for love vox things that were posted yesterday I think. Can't figgle it outers :)

    3. Andymad


      Could be on my end though... Wouldn't be a surprise anyway

    4. Fighter


      do you have the mega chrome extension? or megadownloader program? try them

  18. Am I the only bitch not living for Bitch I'm Madonna? What's wrong with me...?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Yung Rapunxel
    3. DiscoThomas


      I'm not overly keen on the track either.



      Love the original, Love my remixes and Pyrroglaux remixes, still warming up to the official mixes.

  19. BAT New Jersey Soundboad...WANT.

  20. Do we know if Madonna will make an appearance at the Billboard Awards?

    1. Fighter


      i think it wouldve already been announced

    2. madgefan


      maybe she's preparing a surprise appearance and kisses someone random this time lol, like again!!

  21. Ghosttown Instrumental? Hurry tf up!

    1. Angelo


      where is???? *.*

    2. Andymad


      I dunno, better come soon!

  22. Is that it for promo performances...? It's been so dead lately...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. unapologeticheart


      She must be cooking up something, she's been quiet since Coachella

    3. Alex JLR

      Alex JLR

      I hope she's going to put a RebelHeart promo tour in some cities and I hope Live Nation and Interscope will do some promo too. Still don't have any spot TV in France...

    4. wtg1987


      The albums flopped - Ghosttown has flopped(Which i cant believe-thought was gonna be a massive hit too) she must be wondering now why she bothered with all those TV appearances - this tour is gonna have to be amazing i think ? N

  23. Ooooooh Gurl, we already done had done herses!

  24. No ma'am no Pam no ham no cauliflower

  25. Not today Satan, not today.

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