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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. I dont get why we dont have the Paperfaces remix of Let It Will Be. We had the edit on the US version!
  2. Ok and? I don't really care what it is, a challenge is good. Whether she fails or succeeds, she needs to challenge herself and push onto a new reinvention.
  3. I remember the days fans wanted her to challenge herself whether the outcome was good or not because it helped her grow. Also...not as if her albums have been cherished works of art this entire decade. If Erika Jayne can do broadway, Madonna can too.
  4. Yes? I don't recall slow mo in person but I can definitely say the recording made it alot more excitint than it was in person
  5. Meh for me that doesnt bother me, it's just the stylistic choice. I know the complaint is "iT dOeSnT fEeL lIkE a CoNcErT" but you will NEVER be able to capture what it feels like in person on a recording. It only bothers me when it's a literal technical fuck up. I never bought the S&S bluray only the dvd so i can't comment on that technical aspect but on MDNA it's the beautiful sharp crisp HD footage then oopsie here's an SD cut! Blah.
  6. Meh that's just an opinion so cannot file under fuck up
  7. I really hope it's not some stupid platform. I keep hearing veeps this veeps that and not to pull a Cher but wtf is veeps and why is this rumor a thing?
  8. Yeah i do so the only difference between celebration is sped up footage lol other wise...fast dancing then insert party/club scene. And as per my last email Jump you can tell it was madonna telling him she only had a few hours. Do u think Jump would've been different had it been Mondino? Do you think it would've been different if it was Fincher? The only difference mightve been they would just turn her down, really irrelevant to whether it was Jonas or not. (ALSO might I add...Ray of Light Music American Life Confessions Tour Ghosttown Bitch I'm Madonna and God Control say hi)
  9. Ehh...its all about perception. Ray of Light is seen as one of the best 90s videos period and of course won her her first and only video of the year at the VMAs and all it is is just her in front of a blue screen then at a club cut to a video like Celebration which is the same thing yet somehow its seen as inferior. Always made me laugh. As for Jump, you just know she probably told him all she had was a few hours in japan and to hurry his ass up.
  10. Just out of curiosity...what is the point with the true blue singles if they're all on the deluxe album already? Minus Aint No Big Deal...same with Cherish...don't throw rocks at me lol
  11. There was a rumor back then that one of the first big releases was going to be Hello Suckers...not sure where that came from
  12. MDNA the biggest fuck up IMO is the jump between HD footage to obvious SD footage. The cell phone footage was also too much of a drastic jump especially when watching it on an HD tv which was fairly new back then
  13. Listen, at this point anything and everything will be criticized beyond the point of even making sense. There was nothing wrong with the following releases other than MDNA
  14. Ironically enough when Confessions came out fans had a meltdown saying it was horrible and that it was over edited lol fans will always complain about something!
  15. Jonas was there tonight filming the LA show apparently
  16. My version of GHV2 with the original title the Second Coming
  17. Awful...ive noticed those pics have been spreading. I saw when talking about michael jackson they used a heavily edited pic and its like why? Madonna was young and looked flawless! Wouldn't be surprised if their photos gave her body dysmorphia
  18. @Ayhamposted a link the instagram with the original photo. It's from this session of the 2010 Interview Magazine set
  19. No its old but this one has been colorized
  20. But there is a difference between stating an opinion and being a shit stirrer. Also isnt there a point where if every opinion that you have is going to be perceived as negative dig against madonna that perhaps a board dedicated to her isnt for you? You're a mod so it's your choice if you're going to ban someone like me who offends people by calling them sour patch adults then that's out of my hands. All i have to say is I love madonna, I love this board but what i dont love all these negative members who all they do is post negative things. If you're going to ban me, sorry to all the members I love talking with, it was a good ride while it lasted and i really cant wait until she proves all the haters wrong with her biopic and tells her beautiful story the way only she can.
  21. I do not ignite anything, i simply reply and unlike others I do not name call and unlike others I am not constantly attacking Madonna. I am pretty sure I am not the only one who feels that way when I read posts and can already guess who wrote it by the negative tone. If I am being scolded, fine, that's your prerogative but it's not a good look especially when there are certain members that are the ones who REALLY are the shit stirrers on a MADONNA forum especially when we can easily go to their profiles and see their post history.
  22. I remember she wasnt that late for confessions and mdna for my shows...rebel heart she came on like at 11 something I think...i was so hungry!
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