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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Amlo

  1. NEVER liked the grills!

    thankfully she didn't wear those here in Barcelona...

    She's wearing them in Paris... I hope they don't stay at all.

    The grills make her sound drunk and makes her look ugly.

    Seriously, with that AMAZING show and the way she looks now, why does she wear this?

    I guess nobody near her has THE BALLS to tell her the effect she causes wearing them.

  2. Not a fan of Sickdick, but don't you remember she did SEVERAL songs with him?

    Maybe they weren't good enough...most likely

    then the song with Max Martin...

    Then the offer from the Weekend to make a whole new album, and maybe all of the above

    ended up in nothing because maybe she wants to do a FULL new album with the Weekend?

    Seeing the good result from Popular, even with 0 promotion, no video, etc...


    Anyway, my guess is that she will do a full album with the Weekend, maybe including the 

    Max Martin song, and the sickdick material...who knows...

    I still pray she will work with Patrick Leonard again, I know this would be really good, timeless songs

    she could be remembered as they are LIVE TO TELL, LIKE A PRAYER, FROZEN... well you know  all of them...


    Also by him...

  3. The reason for not including all the singles is because she NEVER releases anything that cancels her previous work.


    not all the singles from MADONNA

    not all the singles from LIKE A VIRGIN

    not all the singles from TRUE BLUE

    WHO'S THAT GIRL is not included que she isn't proud of the movie.

    not all the singles from LIKE A PRAYER

    definately not all the singles from I'M BREATHLESS (which I consider an studio album , having learned the lesson from WHO'S THAT GIRL)

    and the two new singles JUSTIFY MY LOVE and RESCUE ME, which were then required to be played on the radio (new singles) apart from 

    re-releasing Holiday (with the holiday collection) where  TRUE BLUE, WHO'S THAT GIRL and CAUSING A COMMOTION found their redemption....

    also re-releasing CRAZY FOR YOU , which for europeans was new. and included KEEP IT TOGETHER as well as INTO THE GROOVE.

    Even years after, releasing  GHV2 and later CELEBRATION neither  included all the singles...

  4. I just want her to fully recover!!!


    I still remember her pain face when I saw the MADAME X TOUR in London...

    When she was singing LIKE A PRAYER , while climbing the stairs,she skipped "it's like a dream" part, she couldn't sing because of the pain, I was close enough to tell.

    I hope her family convince her that health is always FIRST.


    We will wait, and suport her no matter what.

    Love MADONNA!!!!

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