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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Your hired, love it and its just not that hard to do a quarter of this. My CD and Album sealed since 1989 still smell amazing.
  2. That's just semantics, not what they alluded to releasing years ago. It is just business as usual copying existing trends for some money and its frustrating watching her squander her history by not maintaining fan bases and engagement, that should be a team effort (multiple teams for different demographics) with constant digital output and multiple small releases a year with nothing to do with Madonna. They could easily do pre order to gauge demand on box set type items
  3. Its ok to admit when a re issue is not a re issue, a colour change is technically a re issue but that's not an expectation gap, its just commerce as you say and not a genuine re issue. Actually remastering and adding song context etc is not that hard, l don't think her team ran out of ideas l just don't think Madonna understands many of her fans very well (specifically the non gay. non dance market), too many around her happy with really shit merch and things that reflect very material things tied to ego and image (candles and rosaries) rather than the substance of her work and musical legacy.... will Madonna will ever have the confidence in that to not have the focus on how she looks...we will get all these photo shoots recreating old looks but zero on the artistic process or memories on recording etc.
  4. There will be no major physical reissues or box set, we will be lucky to see the celebration tour released this year. https://x.com/sdedition/status/1815743179477389416
  5. Its still possible that Lady Deadpool in the comics was inspired by Madonna. That BA ponytail look is as Madonna as a head mic or vogue pose and it was massive for years. Never underestimate the reach of Madonna....
  6. It would be hard enough to pick songs to include in the movie, adding new ones seems a big expectation. A random soundtrack or proper collaboration with the weekend would be awesome, she may have reduced her stocks there with Vulgar and Tokischa.
  7. You mean the ones from over 2 years ago? YT has had no uploads for over a year, not even a Celebration tour vid. Your ideas are great, its just not that hard to do which just compounds the lack of any fan releases from M. A Celebration tour without even a basic remastered box set etc speaks to the sheer lack of thought about fans
  8. Great to see an interview. We know what happens once they start talking.... To no surprise he has confirmed the type she is surrounded by, keep friends by all means but don't work with them once that shift happens.
  9. We are 100% not getting anything before they release the concert movie being worked on, that could take another year. They will release remixes fans already have to streaming and a few vinyl. All that history to choose from after the screenplay work etc and absolutely zero. No tour book was a big clue at how far down the care factor scale fans are, its all $$ in, and no investment. Those tour earnings were impressive
  10. Its sad how much her appearance is the focus, but its hers as well so l guess its natural. Is there any signs or news of them releasing the concert? l really thought with the live broadcast they were going to actually capitalize and release something fun. Are we in for a very traditional M release soon..
  11. lol like even Madonna knows what's she is spending the next 5 years on. The fan fiction needs its own thread. Reality says be very sceptical with low low low expectations. They could spend 2 years and still shelve it all again
  12. Body Shop. Its cute with the intentional lyric cringe on so many car innuendo's but not literally screaming my engine is revving For candy shop I cant get through the my sugar is raw cheesy cringe for opposite reasons, especially with the repetition on most versions and live.
  13. Please tell me the Dr Luke part is misinformation, surely she wouldn't ..remembered google, please dont go there Madonna
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