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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. MDNA Tour definitely! Madame X is an improvement for me.
  2. https://x.com/dannyantony_/status/1786120110379343882?s=46&t=hzP-LSVcElQyHd2WrkQFOg
  3. I wonder if the audio will be broadcasted in stereo (2 channels) or 6 channels 6 channels would be amazing for editing!
  4. Omg never saw her falling during Into the Groove
  5. https://x.com/didif/status/1782511100967186738?s=46&t=hzP-LSVcElQyHd2WrkQFOg is this a pro-shot? Never seen this before
  6. I think this is the first time she’s fully lip-syncing to Into the Groove, maybe they’re sorting things out for the big show in Rio.
  7. Is it me or the album sounds different on Spotify? The volume is louder. Did they remaster the tracks?
  8. Grillz make her look and sound older, idk why she keeps wearing them
  9. It’s just a mix of: bad picture, grillz and unflattering sunglasses
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