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Status Updates posted by cosmicarlo818

  1. So the Dutch TV (VARA) broadcast of the WTGT Turin show has slightly different angles!? Need clarification on this porfaaa

  2. So fucking obsessed with 90s telenovelas...

    1. poserdemadonna


      Brazilian, Venezuelan or Mexican?

    2. cosmicarlo818


      Mexican! I'll be getting into Venezuelan very soon lol.

  3. I mean, is there anything more beautiful than this? We thank thee Patrick Leonard

    1. wtg1987


      One of her best collabarators - i wish she would work with him again - i bet he would jump at the chance or even do an acoustic set with her like his NY gigs :)

  4. Hi Madonna Infinifam! I've been back from The Philippines and it was great... now it's time to do more remasters/edits for y'all! Los quiero mucho and HAPPY 2018!

  5. Hi Madonna InfiniFAM! Sorry I've been away for a week and haven't shared my remasters/edits. I'm currently in The Philippines visiting family! Miss you all. Besos!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. James19709


      Hope you're having fun :)

    3. Roy
    4. cosmicarlo818


      Thanks y'all! It's been great so far! Much love to yall

  6. Finally found the elusive footage of Madonna’s “speech†during the Amnesty International concert in 1986. Always thought it was during the WTGT! I will upload it later y’all Great Picture

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. wtg1987


      I love this era in her career :))

    3. cosmicarlo818


      Love love love 1986 - 1987!

    4. The Ghost

      The Ghost

      Can't wait to see this :)


  7. Every time I think of HIV/AIDS awareness & advocacy, I always go back to the speech Madonna gave in 1987 #WorldAIDSday2017

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cosmicarlo818


      Yes! Praying as well. I feel like HIV/AIDS led her to Malawi, which is great. Madonna has such been such a gay icon in terms of HIV/AIDS advocacy and research -- way before it was "in fashion" to do so. One day there will be a cure!

  8. When you're ready to ascend to the Mothership Great Picture

    1. cosmicarlo818


      @master468 Best tour opener ever!

    2. wtg1987


      WTG tour opening just clinches it - that image of her behind the screen :))

    3. cosmicarlo818


      @wtg1987 Yes! It just so happens WTGT + DWT consist of my two fave openers ever!

  9. Just watched Demi Lovato's new doc and I'M FINALLY READY TO LISTEN TO HER NEW ALBUM! Omfg

  10. There are people who actually HATE Madonna's involvement on Me Against The Music with the legendary Miss Britney Spears? *deleting/blocking/reporting you* LOL!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Gabvinet


      I just simply enjoy it love the organic sound, their voices blend well together its catchy

    3. cosmicarlo818


      @gabvinet Exactly. Although I'm not that fond of Madonna's "falsetto" ish vocal on the song -- similar to that vocal style heard on Human Nature and Mother & Father. Lol but I guess it works. That duet was groundbreaking at the time lol

    4. Guest


      No way! Ground breaking it was not.


  11. Madonna singing "Can't Help Falling In Love" on guitar is everlasting life. Somber, mellow, and contemplative. Go see her IG now y'all!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. madgefan


      Last time there was a Republican government in the US she gave us American Life. I totally expect something similar now she's in Lisbon.

    3. Fighter


      we can only hope fam

    4. cosmicarlo818


      Yup she's made to do songs like that! Hoping she can be a post post-modern Bob Dylan in today's tumultuous world. So happy and excited for her.

  12. "The legendary Ms. Britney Spears"

  13. Happy 12th COADF!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Roy


      The masterpiece that snatched 5 year old self's hair. XD

    3. cosmicarlo818


      Same. It was November 12th 2005 when it was released back there in the Philippines and I took the bus from my town to the next capital city just to buy the album. It was only 250 pesos. The entire music store had Madonna COADF posters, it was heaven.

  14. Currently editing...

    via GIPHY

    1. Inco


      WTG Japan please


  15. Hi y'all! Love this Madonna community so much!

    via GIPHY

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fighter
    3. cosmicarlo818


      @Liam @ArthurBadin & of course @Fighter! You guys are the ones!

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